Chapter 1: Responsability

Start from the beginning

I hold her in my arm, she openend her eyes, and giggle after she looked at me

I took the 3 other with me, and drove back to my house

It was pretty big, even though i lived alone

But now, i think it's going to be full in no time

Time skip - Y/N POV

After i came home, and make the 4 baby goes to sleep again, i called Rei

B.H: What is it

Y/N: I quit

B.H: What?

Y/N: I stop being an hunter from now on

B.H: And who give you permission to do-

Y/N: Myself

I hang up, and destroyed the phone, so she couldn't find me

I took the house phone and called a friend of mine

???: Hello?

Y/N: Hey Histoire, can you come to my house?

Histoire: Sure, but what is it?

Y/N: I need your help for a problem

Histoire: I see, i will be on my way then

Y/N: Thanks

After we hang up, i looked at the four baby and see them starting to stire awake

They all had their own features, and the most revealing one is their hair


They all looked at me and had different reaction

The purple one giggled and try to touch me with her arm

The blacked hair one looked impressed at how tall i was(you're 5.8 feet tall)

The brown haired one had a stoic expression, but i could see the amazement in her eyes

The blond hair one giggled and smiled at me

I think i'm going to love this life with them

I heard a knock on the door and goes to open it

It was Histoire

Histoire is the woman i owe my life to

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Histoire is the woman i owe my life to

She helped me when i was 8, and took care of me

She helped me for my training, even tough she doesn't look like a fighter

She was also the Oracle of Tari, but quit after she had issues with Rei

Histoire: What is this problem you wanted to talk about?

Y/N: It's awake and-

I was cut off by some yell

Y/N: It looks like it's hungry, i will do something to eat while you go watch them

Histoire: Them?

Time skip - Y/N POV

After i told Histoire what happened, she was sad about the death of the woman, but said it was a miracle that i was there 

If it wasn't men other hunter would have just leaved the woman and the kids to die

Histoire: Are you going to leave them to a family?

Y/N: No, i'm going to adopt them

Histoire: What?!

Y/N: I'm dead serious, i won't leave them with somme jerk who could abuse them

Histoire: You're right, but i will help you on this

Y/N: Don't worry, i will call you if i need help

Histoire: But about your job, you can't stay with them when you fight monster

Y/N: I quit my job, i'm going to stay jobless for some time before i start to work again

Histoire: And what are you going to do?

Y/N: Teacher maybe

Histoire: I see, and what are you going to name this 4?

Y/N: *smile* i have the perfect name for them

I walked to where the baby where sleeping, and smiled

Y/N: From now on, i'm going to be your dad.....

Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert


First chapter of the Father and daughter story

Hope you liked it, and no, the CPU are not born CPU on this story, they become one (juste like in Ultradimension)

Next chapter: Family Life

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