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"Harry, I know you're mad at yourself, but please come out. We need to talk," Louis said lightly, knocking on my bedroom door. I stayed directly where I was, undernieth my bed. I've been here for a few days now, only leaving to go to the bathroom. Not to eat, I didn't care enought to eat anymore. Louis and the others have been trying to get me out of my room since Simon saw me as an almost-werewolf.

"Harry, please come out," Niall pleaded, his accent full of sadness. I closed my eyes and burried my burning face into my arms, trying to not cry. I'm tired of crying. I'm sick of crying and being scared of myself.

"I'm so sorry lads," I winpered into my arm. The knob turned and I could hear footsteps march into my room. Louis must have finally found my key.

"Harry, where are you?" Louis asked. I could see his TOMS and Liam's Converse next to me. Louis came forward and his shadow darkened as he leaned down. Louis' face came into view, looking slightly nervous. He let the cover down and crawled under the bed with me. I turned away from him, refusing to cry in front of him once again.

"It's okay Harry, it's okay to be a little mad," Louis said quietly. I shut my eyes tightly and tightened my jaw. I wasn't mad, I was furious.

"I ruined us Louis. I ruined it for all of us," I mumbled into the floor. Louis reached forward and wove his gentle hands into my hair. It felt so nice when he did that, but it felt so wierd now. He hasn't done it since the first transformation, so now feeling human skin against my own doesn't feel the same. It just feels different now.

"No you didn't Hazza. Everything will work out. I'll call Simon and explain everything and everything will get back to the way it was."

"No it won't Louis." I turned to him, trying everything to keep myself from falling into tears. Louis' hand fell from my hair to my cheek, wiping my eyes before the salty tears could slip away. "Nothing will go back to the way it was, because I'm a monster now. I'm a hairy, discusting monster Lou."

"You are not Hazza. Quite thinking that, you're going to be fine. You're going to be okay Harry. If you want, we can try to find out more about your transformation and we can do something about it." I looked at him, actually concidering his idea. If we could study up on my issue, we may be able to change it or even stop it.

"Okay," I whispered. Louis smiled and pulled me into him, kissing my head. He crawled out from under the bed and stood up. I stayed there for a while, not really wanting to leave from under my bed. I've always kind of liked smaller spaces. They've always made me feel so safe and warm. I took a deep breath and backed out from under my bed. My head hit a metal piece of my frame and I hissed in pain as I crawled out.

"Okay Harry?" Zayn asked as I got free from my bed. I nodded and stood up, rubbing the back of my head. Damn, I hit my head kinda hard.

"Sure?" Liam asked. I nodded again and sat down on my bed.

"Just hit my head," I said quietly. I shook it off and looked at Louis, who was climbing on the bed. Then the wierdest thing happened.

It seemed like everything had slowed down, like the Earth was slowly seizing. Liam, Zayn, and Niall didn't exist in the room anymore, it was just Louis and I. His feathery hair was tossed lightly across his head and his eyes-

"Harry, are you okay?" Louis asked, breaking the moment I had created for myself. I rubbed my eyes and looked around at the others, suddenly feeling a little embarased. What just happened to me?

"Uh, I'm okay. Just spaced out," I lied, knowing they knew it.

"What was that all about?" Niall asked. I turned to him, trying to not look at Louis so that didn't happen again. My heart was picking up speed just thinking about him.

"You don't look too good Harry, do you want to lay down?" Liam asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know," I mumbled, my stomach feeling fluttery. Exept these butterflies felt like they were made of lead.

"Come here Hazza, you look a little sick to the stomach," he said, patting spot next to him. My stomach ached more and, I swear, I could hear my heart pounding. I was slow as I crawled into bed with him and he wrapped his arms around me. His sweet scent filled my nose and I cuddled in closer to it.

"He's acting a little wierder than normal," I heard Zayn whisper. I didn't care though, I wrapped my arms around Louis and burried my face into his chest. He was my Louis. Mine and no one elses.

"Should we leave them alone?" Niall wondered. I felt Louis move some, like he was trying to make a gesture to them. The door slammed and I sat up, looking into LouLou's beautiful eyes.

"Harry, your eyes are orange again," he whispered. A low growl left me and I kissed his neck gently. "Harry, what are you doing?" he wondered.

"My Lou," I growled into his neck. I could feel him slowly tensing up under me.

"Harry, what's going on?" he asked, slowly sitting up some. I grabbed his headboard, one arm on either side of him. Louis looked frightened. "Harry, calm down, you're scaring me," he whispered.

"You're mine Louis. I claim you," I whispered, our foreheads touching. Louis' breath was picking up and I could feel his heart beating faster.

"I'm in a relationship Harry. You can't claim me, I'm with Eleanor," he explained. You can't claim me. You... can't... claim me!!

"You're mine!" I growled, grabbing his shirt and ripping it in the front. Louis froze and stopped breathing a moment.

"Uh, Liam! Zayn! Niall!" Louis yelled. I looped my arms around his waist and began kissing his soft, firm chest. My lips slowly trailed down his front and the door opened as I fiddled with the zipper on his pants.

"Harry!" Liam yelled. Two people grabbed me and pulled me off the bed. I struggled against them, wanting nothing more than to rip his pants off.

"Louis, are you okay?" Zayn asked, standing next to Louis. Niall and Liam threw me into a chair in the room.

"Let me go!" I growled, continueing to fight against them.

"Harry, just calm down," Niall said, trying to keep me down. I broke free of Liam's grip and punched Niall in the face. He let me go and collapsed to the floor. I frozed, suddenly realizing what was happening to me. I just hurt Niall. Liam got on the floor with Niall, carefully wiping the blood off his split cheek. I turned to Louis and Zayn, completely hateful of what I had just done.

"Niall, I- I didn't mean to-" I started, then stopped when his hurt eyes met mine. My eyes felt watery and I left the room, begining to cry as I ran down the stairs. I swung the back door open, breaking the glass from the strong impact, and running off into the woods. I felt myself slowly begin to run faster and faster until everything was just a blur to me. I dropped onto all fours and I phased out in record speed. I stopped and looked down at myself. I was a huge, black wolf. Twice as big as I was before, and it's not even a full moon. The transformation was complete.

But I'm now a complete monster. I still can't believe that I hurt Niall. It's like punching a brother. Why would I do something like that to him?

And Louis, what was going on with me when I saw Louis like that? Why was I trying to "claim" him and wanted him naked?

Because he's my mate.

Oh my god, Louis William Tomlinson is my mate.

I'm in love with my best friend.

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