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sorry for not updating this story for a while, i honestly forgot where i was going with the last chapter. I don't know if this is where i think i was going with it, but its just all i have for now and I think i can posibly build off of it. 

Trapped will be updated soon as well, most likely tomarrow or monday.


"Harry!" Louis yelled again, walking through  the woods. His concern for his curly haired best mate grew as he kept screaming and yelling for him. Where is he? Why has he left? Was it because of me?

The questions in his mind continued to build and build as he walked through the woods. He zoned into the ground, searching for a clue to his mates wereabouts, or at least the direction he was heading in. But he spotted nothing. Not a foot, nor a pawprint. Louis' eyes began to fill with salty tears and he fell to his knees, hugging himself and crying in the silent woods. He lost his best mate, he's gone. Without a single trace. He couldn't call him or text him, for he wouldn't answer.

"Harry, please come back. Please come home, please Hazza. Please please come home," he sobbed, his chest hurting where he knew his heart was breaking.


I looked down from the tree I was perched on, watching Louis cry below me. He was on his knees, crying my name, crying for me to come back to him. But he needed some time alone, with his thoughts and Eleanor. Without me in the picture. It hurt him, and it hurt me. But deep inside, I knew it was best for both of us. It was what we needed.

I took in a deep breath and leaped from the tree I was in to another tree opposite the direction Louis' sobs were coming from. And I did it again and again, until I could no longer hear my best mate hurting from his broken heart. I removed my backpack and grabbed the top strap with my jaw, then phased into my wolf form to rush away.


*Two Weeks Later*

Liam watched Louis nervously as he sat on the sofa, staring into space. The exact same thing he's been doing for weeks. He looked like a corpse, frozen and lifeless. He wasn't sure if he's been eating. His body was slowly morphing from healthy to starved, but Liam knew he would be dead if he hadn't eaten in two weeks.

"Louis, he's going to be okay. He'll be back soon, you know he will Louis," Liam said in a soothing, warm voice. Louis still didn't look at him. Liam didn't know what to do. Niall and Zayn have joined him in taking shifts to be sure he was okay  to some degree, but Louis was just sitting hear, making carbon dioxide from oxygen. Nothing more.

"Louis, will you at least say something. Anything. Maybe hi, what's up, you can even call me a hobknocker if you want to." Not even a blink from him. I stood up from my recliner and sat beside Louis. His hands were under the blanket I laid on his lap, and I took it gently, not wanting to alarm him. I felt the muscles in his hand twitch slightly, then his fingers curl around my hands.

"I miss him," I heard quietly. His head fell onto my shoulder, and I set my head on top of his.

"I know, I do to. But he's okay, you know he is. He's strong, and he'll come home," I explained. Louis snuggled closer to me and I drapped the blanket over my legs as well.

"Louis, you should get some sleep, I know you're exausted," I whispered into his hair. I heard a litte mumble, and he curled up into my chest, holding my hand tightly. His grip slowly eased up as he fell asleep on my body. I closed my eyes and laid closely to Louis, praying that Harry would come home soon to end Louis' living nightmare.


I stepped out of the shower and rubbed my hair with the thin, slightly off- white towel. The motel was crappy, but it was good for the time being. It had a semi- comfortable bed, a television, and a full bathroom, and it was close to the woods. That was all that I required for now. I feared buying food, because I could be requignized. I've been living off of animals in the woods for the past two weeks, which I wasn't being picky about. I mean, raw meat doesn't bother me taste wise. Texture, a good bit, flesh is really rubbery and chewy.

I sat on the bed, wearing nothing but my birthday suit. I wondered what Louis and the others were doing right now. What they were doing, eating, feeling, anything. I felt a pain in my heart, thinking about how hurt Louis was when I left. The heartbreaking sound of his painful sobs entered my mind, and I could see his weak, exausted body fall to the ground. I closed my eyes and took in a deep, harsh breath as I relived that hurtful memory. My poor Louis, my poor, poor Louis. What have I done to him?

"I need to see him," I mumbled to myself. I didn't have a second thought as I but on boxers, basketball shorts, and a white tshirt. I zipped my bag up and grabbed it with my jaw, leaping out the window and changing as I dropped from my second story window. I landed hard on the ground and sniffed the air, smelling for a hint of either Louis' or my faded scents. I got a wiff and turned to the east, where I could smell my Louis.

As I prepared to take off, there was a scream behind me. I turned to see a young girl looking out the window, screaming and crying as she stared at me.

"Mommy! It's a monster! A big black monster! Mommy!" she screamed. My ears dropped and I ran off to the east, going to my Louis.

'It's a monster! A big black monster' I heard over and over in my head as I ran. The picture of the terified little girl burned my mind as I tried to weave through the many trees ahead of me. It was already difficult to see, because it was dark and I could only see in black and white. My masive paws constantly got caught under tree roots, and I stumbled over and over again. I finally ran straight into a tree, and I collapsed to the ground. I made myself change back into my old human self and I sat up. I had double vision for a little bit. I grabbed onto the tree I ran into and attempted to balance myself, but it was difficult. Dizziness began to hit me and it made my balance worse, causing me to fall to the ground faster.

"Shit, concussion," I mumbled, knowing it was very posible the impact gave me one. I got on my hands and knees, then changed back into my wolf form. I hoped the extra pair of feet would offer me a little more support, but I was very wrong. I fell to the right, directly into the tree. I knew it was hopeless, and changed back into my human form. I wasn't physically able to go anywhere without making my it worse. I simply grabbed my backpack and pulledit closer to me, laying my head on it. Maybe a little rest would help..

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