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im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, sucks for ya, doesn't it? haha, anywho, how's life? next week is very special for several reasons.

1) meh 16th birthday is on the 25th!!!!! yay for me!!!!

and 2) i have a week off of school, so i can spend my birthweek updating like a craycray person. i will have a new story posted most likely on my birthday, if not the day after. so for now, enjoy :)


The next few weeks were uneventful. Since the full moon incident, I've been pretty normal. No hair, no pointy ears, no paws, none of that. Good, that freaked me out big time. But the second full moon was tonight, and I was terified about what was in store for tonight.

"Nervous?" Louis asked me, looking over at me. I looked down at the mug of tea in my hand, my fingers aching from gripping it so tightly.

"Very. What if its worse tonight? What if I lose my temper and hurt you or the others?" I asked, fear dripping from my words. The others decided to stay here with me and Louis tonight at our place.

"You won't Harry. You're strong enough to not hurt anyone, I know that," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I put my cup on the coffee table before I made the cup explode.

"But what if I do?" I asked, looking scared at him.

"You won't. Trust me Hazza, you won't," he said calmly, petting my curls from my face. I wimpered scaredly and leaned into my Boobear, his warm arms wrapping around my shaking body.

"I don't want to hurt anyone Louis," I cried into him, salty tears slipping out of the corners of my eyes.

"Shhh, calm down curly. It's okay." Louis pulled me in tighter and I was so scared. My nightmares were going to come true. I didn't want Louis hurt or Zayn or Liam or Niall or anyone else. I didn't want to feel like a horible beast who only wanted to hurt others. There were footsteps coming from the stairs and I looked up to see Liam and Niall standing there.

"Yes?" I asked, sitting up and wiping my runny nose with my sleeve.

"What's wrong Harry?" Niall asked, walking around the sofa and sitting next to me. I shook my head and wiped my eyes. I was the worlds worst faker.

"Seriously Haz, what's going on? You look like you lost a puppy," Liam said, sitting on the other side of Niall.

"Just... just kind of scared about tonight, and the transformation and all," I said quietly. Niall took one of my hands and rubbed it carefully.

"You'll be okay Harry, alright? Nothing will happen to you," he said quietly.

"It's not me I'm worried about. I'm worried about you guys, and I don't want you guys to get hurt. You're my best mates," I said, tearing up near the end. Louis layed my face into his chest and pet up and down my spine.

"Please don't Hazza," Louis whispered into my curls. I then proceded to crying myself to sleep in Louis' arms.


It was dark when my eyes slowly opened. Louis' snores surrounded me as I sat up. But it was slightly difficult. He had his head laying on top of mine.

"Good god Lou," I whispered to myself. I must have transformed already. I sounded more wolfy than I did last month. Peachy. Louis finally released me and I got a good look at my now more werewolfy body. The hair was even darker and thicker than it was before. My hands were now completely paw and my feet were strange as well. It was difficult to stand on them. I felt my face, which wasn't so much a face anymore. My nose felt wet and... not like my nose.

"Oh this is just great," I growled to myself. I looked back at Louis, who was still sleeping comfortably. I felt horibly unbalanced and I got down on all four legs, feeling more comfortable. This was just flat up sick.

"Harry, is that you?" Niall said from upstairs. I can't let Nialler see me! I dashed throught the living room and into the kitchen, ducking behind the kitchen bar. His feet stomped down the stairs and I could tell exactly where he was moving. He took a step to the left, then two steps forward, then he turned around, and now he's moving into the kitchen. Wait a minute...

"Harry?" Niall said, looking down at me. He couldn't see what I really looked like through the darkness.

"Don't turn on the light!" I ordered, not sounding at all like Harry Styles. Niall, being Niall, didn't listen and turned on the light. I ducked my head down as the light came on and burned my eyes.

"Harry, is that you?" he asked. I nodded, not wanting to look at my little blonde. "Come on Harry, get up. Let me see you." I took in a deep breath and did as he asked, slowly getting to my misshapen feet. I had to lay my hand on the counter so I couldn't fall over.

"I'm up," I said quietly. Niall took a step closer and cupped his hand under my chin. I closed my eyes as he lifted my head and looked at me.

"Open them," he said sternly. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Niall's disterbed face.

"That bad huh?" I asked.

"It's not... great." I sighed and sank down onto the cold kitchen floor. I looked discusting.

"I need to go... out," I said quietly, crawling across the floor. Niall watched me as I crawled out the back door and ran on all four paws into the woods. I tried to ignore the face Niall gave me when he saw me, or the way he stared at me as I crawled across the floor. I snarled at myself and slowly began to move faster than I could ever move. I could hear my stomach growl over the sound of my amazing speed and saw a speck in the distance. I imediantly knew what it was and began to sprint towards it.

A doe.

It didn't stand a chance. I cought up to it quickly and jumped on it, sinking my canine teeth and my sharp claws into its flesh. My mouth filled with its sweet blood as it colapsed to the ground, quickly giving up on life. In no time, I had ripped most of the skin off and have dug halfway through its delicious flesh. If the mates could fear me now. If they could see how powerful and deadly I was right now.

"Harry?" I heard behind me. I froze and turned to the sound, seeing all four of the guys there. They all looked so... tasty. Tasty?

"Mine," I growled, guarding my kill. They all seemed to back away some.

"A-are you okay Hazza?" Louis asked. I looked at him, feeling suddenly self contious about my appearence right now. All transformed and bloody and all.

"Fine," I snarled, turning back to my dinner. I could hear their discusted sounds as I took in another mouthful of flesh and chewed the rubbery meat.

"Do you mind!" I yelled when my mouth was clear enough. They got the memo and left me alone, letting me eat my doe in peace. I didn't care how sick this was, it felt right.

I should do this more often.


i guess this chapter wasn't too bad. not my worst, but not my best. sorry, im in the wrong at the moment, i have to focus harder on my chemestry or else, no watty world D: and by the looks of it, i need to work on my spelling too, concidering i can't spell the word chemestry.

anywho, text a friend, buy a pie, and see if a ginger tastes like ginger

Embrina R. H. out. SAKURA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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