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Happiest Memories

Just as the loneliness was about to suffocate Rhea, no matter how much she loved her new furry companion, fate seemed to take pity on her

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Just as the loneliness was about to suffocate Rhea, no matter how much she loved her new furry companion, fate seemed to take pity on her. Rhea Lawson and Natasha Romanoff's lives were now intertwined forever.

It was storming again, fate it seemed, had a sense of humor like that. Every important moment that the two women shared tended to have a backdrop of rain and lighting.

The fire was lit but other than that, the house was dark. It still felt homey even in the stiff silence. The same silence that was broken by a series of sharp knocks on Rhea's back door that led to the garden outside.

Living alone, Rhea had grown paranoid but a brief flicker of hope burned in the back of her mind. Maybe, just maybe, it could be Natasha. Along with Captain Rogers and Sam of course.

With her long legs Rhea closed the distance to the noise easily, only pausing to grab a wooden bat that she kept by the closet.

With the bat at the ready, Rhea swing open the door.

Standing there was the interesting sight of an unconscious Wanda Maximoff, carried by a sweaty Steve Rogers. Sam also stood next to them, sporting a bloody nose and bruised cheek.

A familiar streak of red hair stood behind the two men, seemingly trying to avoid any eye contact with the woman starring intently at her, silently begging her to look up.

"Rhea, we need your help, you were the closest safe house we had," The blonde man started, snapping Rhea's attention right back to the four ex-avengers sitting on her front step, "We need medical attention."

"Oh! Yes, I- come in before someone sees you." She opened the door wider, beckoning them in. A quick look up and down the road was barely spared as she frantically swung the door shut with a heavy thump.

"There's a first aid kit in the bathroom down the hall upstairs, you can put her in the guest bedroom, I'll take care of things down here." Steve carried a still uncousoius Wanda up the rickety, old stairs, "I'll make some sandwiches...and probably some whiskey."

Sam let out a chuckle at her words and sent Rhea a smile, "Hey Lawson, it's good to see you."

"You too, Sam." The man clapped her on her shoulder and sent a pointed look somewhere behind Rhea.

Natasha was still standing near the entryway, arms folded and a crimson eyebrow raised, as if the floorboards she was studying were the most intriguing thing she's ever seen.

Rhea let out a small sigh, "Hey, Nat." She was greeted with only silence. It was expected, but not appreciated.

Rhea made her way to the kitchen to keep her word and prepare her comfort food, PB&Js. It was what she craved when she was stressed, and the fact that she hadn't gone grocery shopping in a few days added to the menu.

She had just finished making a sticky sandwich, when a voice rung out behind her, cutting off her badly tuned hum of an ABBA song, "Do you have any alcohol?"

Startled and confused, Rhea turned with an eyebrow raised, trying to determine why in the world that was the first thing Nat said to her. "I- uh I do, no vodka, through."

The red haired woman shrugged, "Anything will do, as long as it can disinfect," It was an odd thing to say, until Rhea noticed the pale hand pressed against he abdomen and the slight wince when she spoke.

"Oh my god! Nat! Are you hurt?! Why didn't you tell me?" Rhea's voice rose a couple octaves as she pieced together the situation. "Here, let's get you to the bathroom, I'll look at it."

Natasha looked caught off guard, and unsure how to respond to the frantic woman. She wasn't used to that reaction, sure she had gotten it from Steve and Clint, but there was always a voice in the back of her mind, whispering that they only cared because she was off use. And now here was Rhea, someone who Natasha could only hurt, begging to help her.

So when the beautiful brunette gently grasped her wrist, guiding her down the hall and to the small bathroom off the living room, Natasha let her.

Perhaps it was the pain or the sleep deprivation, but slowly she eased herself onto the seat and gently stripped off her shirt, revealing a long cut just below her ribs.

Rhea worked fast, darting through the kitchen, gathering supplies. Once she was sure she had everything she returned to Natasha. Trying hard to keep down her blush and avoid eye contact, Rhea knelt between her legs to get a better look at the injury.

It was large, but shallow, nothing Rhea couldn't handle. She began dabbing the blood off around the wound, a quiet hum escaped her lips while she worked.

"How do you know how to do all this?"

Rhea didn't look up, knowing the she couldn't look Natasha in the eye while practically breathing the same air as her. "My mom was a doctor for a while when I was younger, taught me a few things, never really knew why she stopped." Rhea was almost done and she didn't know if she would be able to step away from the enchanting woman. "Tell me your happiest memory. I need to disinfect the wound."

"What? Why? I don't need you to distract me like I'm a child." Her words were harsh but the effect of them was greatly diminished by the fact that she had rather soft voice, a product of the exhaustion.

"Please, for me?" Rhea finally lifted her head to meet Natasha's eyes, mimicking the puppy dog eye she used to give her father, pouting childishly.

"Fine," she replied but she didn't sound too disgruntled. "It was probably when I spent Christmas with my partner, Barton's, family. It was the first holiday I celebrated." Natasha didn't really know why she was giving Rhea this information, but she felt safe with her, trusting, which was a very dangerous game to play in her line of work.

"There, all better." Rhea's voice was barely above a whisper as Natasha's face was just inches away from her own.

"Thank you, for the help and the memory" Natasha said standing, breaking the hold of the other woman. She turned and tried to leave as quickly as possible.

"Anytime" Rhea breathed out to the empty bathroom.

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𝐤𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬!

Holy shit it's been a while! Ok I first want to start off my say I am so sorry for not updating in literally forever!! I went through a really bad writing slump and just didn't have an once of inspo

So I am presented with an interesting dilemma
1.) I could continue writing this story and create an actual plot line for it and not just a vague idea of what I want it to be but the updates won't be very consistent and might be far between
2.) just say goodbye to this story and post all of the little snippets and ideas I've written and focus more on my other stories that already have a plot outline and I have more inspo in general for

I honestly don't know what to do and if you guys want to keep reading but let me know and I will do want yall want!!

I love and please be safe 💜

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