2. A Discovery

Depuis le début

"Y-You're welcome." stammered Heatwave. Quickshadow couldn't help but giggle out loud. He looked offended in return. The rescue bot leader had never really been good with words. He let his actions speak for himself most of the time. She also noticed that he would trip over his words if he was getting nervous. She decided to toy with him a little more.

The femmebot fixed a taunting expression to her face plates and put her servos on her hips. "So, you have any plans for tonight?" She smirked, catching him off-guard. The fire bot's optics went wide and his jaw gaped open. "Wha- I...What?" Quickshadow burst into a fit of giggles that she had to hold herself once more. When she was done, she wiped solvent from her optics. "Oh don't act so serious, I was only twisting your cables!" Heatwave glared at her. But she could have sworn that she caught a look of disappointment on his face for a brief moment.

The smug femme leaned against the wall waiting for his snappy comeback. To her surprise, the mech mimicked her and let his heavy frame lean right next to her. His helm was inches away from hers and his amber optics were soft but focused on her bright blue ones. Quickshadow felt herself getting flustered as energon warmed her cheek plates. Heatwave noticed and chuckled softly. He knew how to make the femme uncomfortable.

Quickshadow couldn't take it any longer. She forcefully shoved the red mech in the chassis, making him flail backwards in shock.

"Hey, woah, calm down," He said. The agitated femmebot crossed her arms over her chassis. "I beg your pardon? I was just trying to maintain my personal space, Heatwave." The red mech rolled his optics. "You could have just asked politely y'know." Quickshadow looked guilty all of a sudden. "Sorry," she said apologetically. "I...I-"

"But if you're still free tonight, I'd love to do some sparring." He interjected with a complacent grin etched on his face plates. Quickshadow smiled sincerely. "I would love that, Heatwave." He smiled back. An awkward silence hung in the berthroom.

"What's going on in here?" Blades said poking his helm through the doorway. Heatwave growled softly and and looked away from Quickshadow's optics. "Nothing, Blades." the fire mech said casually and walked swiftly out the door, making the heli bot have to jump out of the way. Blades looked towards the femme and raised an opticbrow questionably. She gave him an emotionless expression with one servo on her hip. Blades shrugged and walked back out. Quickshadow followed.

The femme saw that Heatwave, Boulder, and Chase were standing on the elevator platform. "Where is everyone going?" she asked no one in particular. "Chief wants us to all help with some road repairs." Blades answered.

Quickshadow nodded as she remembered their conversation with the chief last night.

"Yeah, you're welcome to join us if you want to."

"We could sure use the help." Boulder added.

Quickshadow glanced at the other rescue bots. Heatwave seemed to still be avoiding her gaze and was looking down at his pedes. She frowned. "I suppose I could tag along. I wouldn't want to be sitting around doing nothing while you bots are having all the fun, now, would I?" 


(Time skip)

As the team drove towards Lookout Mountain, Quickshadow kept her silence. The rest of the team were playing "I Spy" as they cruised along the scenic route. She quietly observed the Burns family and rescue bots, enjoying each other's company.

"Okay, okay I spy somethinnnngggg....big, and uh, never stops." Blades shouted from above. 

"Oh, the sun?" Boulder asked.


"The consistent oxygen levels in the Earth's atmosphere?" Obviously Chase. 

"No, and how do you even see that?" Dani laughed.

My Rescuer (Heatwave x Quickshadow Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant