Prologue: Where One Story Ends, Another Begins

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~8s POV~

I make my way through the last stage before I can get to the surface, but then the elevator stops. I look up and see Agent 3. But she looks different, like someone has done something to her, then I realise...

You see, I wasnt the first to take these tests, I was actually subject 10,008; and I was the only one to make it out alive. Tar Tar, a telephone who is supposed to help all subjects get to the surface, used the others to create his sanitized ink; he then used it on one of the people I know, Agent 3. It turned her against me, made her try and kill me. I managed to knock her unconscious and continued my journey to the top. This was when I saw Pearl and Marina for the first time. They helped me complete the tests and get out of Deepsea Metro, but this was the first time I was actually meeting them.

Blinding light...

A sight I had never seen before...

I look out into the distance, speechless and in disbelief. I never thought I would get to see this, bieng trapped underground for weeks--maybe even months--doing tests made me think that I was never going to see what was beyond the underground. But now, I see it in person; clouds passing by, the waves in the ocean overlapping, the bright blue sky. It's all so beautiful, almost magical.

I take a few seconds to take it all in, it was the first time that I was seeing something other than a train station, a train and tests. After composing myself, I divert my attention to tar tar and the giant statute that was harnessing the power of the sun, powering a weapon that was going to destroy the entire world, and eliminate all inklings and octolings alike. Tar Tar sits in the eye of the statue, explaining that he was actually built by a human, 12,000 years ago; he watched the squids evolve over time. Hating what he saw, he built a Canon to destroy the new species, so he could start a new, perfect world, where the species that lived there were also perfect.

Pearl and Marina were shocked by this, not allowing their home to be destroyed they made a plan. I would ink the statue to stop it charging, and Pearl would then use the ultimate woomy to take it out. So we got to work.

~some time after the battle~

I look at the statue, covered in my magenta ink, sinking into the ocean. I see Tar Tar sinking into his own sanitized ink. Now he is nothing more than a relic, a 12,000 year old machine that had had tried to kill me. He tricked me and many others into thinking that getting into an unknown machine was going to send us to the 'promised lands', but now he is gone, no one else will have to suffer like the 10,007 others before me.

I sit down and look on into the distance, knowing Tar Tar was gone and the world wasn't destroyed made me feel safe. Turning my attention back to everyone on the helicopter, I saw Agent 3, who had woke up and was looking around to see where she was. Puzzled, she asked "where are we? What happened?" "I'll explain everything on the way back to the city," I said as she continued looking at me.

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