As I jogged to Sam's I thought about Niana. Her beautiful eyes, her beautiful smile. Her everything. I groaned as I looked up. I was already in front of his house. Huh, guess I was deep in thought...I stopped in front of the door when I herd Embry's voice. Oh yeah. I forgot all about my other problem. Great.

I opened the door and walked in. Leah was already here. So was everyone else. Oh great. More looks of pity. Embry looked over at me and sighed. I ignored all of them and sat on the couch.

"Seth...I have some muffins if you want any..." I herd Emily say.

"I'm both hungry." I repeated myself.
I herd Leah sigh. "It'll be ok." I herd. I looked up and barley noticed Delilah. Well I just noticed all of the imprints were here.

Sam cleared his throat. "I called you all here to tell you that we will be meeting with the cat shifters and Cullen's to train." I just stared blankly at the TV. "Niana will be teaching us, but her brothers will be there to make sure she has it under control." He sighed. "That's all."

There was a silence, but then everyone went back to talking among themselves. I didn't pay attention even when I felt the couch move beside me. "Seth," Embry sighed. "You need to eat something man." I just shrugged at him.

I felt the couch dip on my other side. "Seth." Mia said. "You really need to eat. You don't look so good." I felt her rub my felt like she was filling me up. I shrugged her off. Niana wouldn't want her touching me. "Seth, forget about that stone cold bitch. You can do better." A growl came out of my mouth as I stood up fast.

"You don't know shit about it. Why don't you leave me alone. You've already caused me enough problems and all I ever do was try to help you. So do everyone a favor and shut your mouth. You wouldn't know anything about her or me because you have your head so far up your own ass that you don't know anything about anyone. Not even your own imprint. So shut up about mine. You can't just look at her and judge her because she is beautiful in every damn way and you can never compare to get beauty you selfish bitch." I spat out. Did I regret it? A little bit, but I'll be damned if she talks about my imprint like that. I glared at her and ran outside.

I could here someone running after me. "Seth!! Stop!" I herd the last person to come out after me yell. I stopped and turned around to see Embry. I glared at him. Probably came to yell at me for saying that to his imprint. He stopped a little bit away from me. "Look ok... I'm sorry. I know you didn't kiss her. I'm sorry for being a dick, I'm sorry for beating you up, I'm sorry I ever accused you or anything." He walked over to me and gripped my shoulder. "And I'm sorry about what happened yesterday." I nodded and looked at the ground.

"You shouldn't worry." I herd. I looked up to see Delilah, Leah, and Mikah not to far behind.

Mikah walked over. "Look sister isn't exactly like other girls. She has her own little problems, but I promise that she will come around. She just had bad experience with this kind of stuff. She will come around though...sooner than you think." He said as he walked away.

"He's right, you know?" Delilah said. "She can be stubborn, but with something serious she will come around." She to walked away but called back. "Who knows. Maybe tonight will be the time." Oh I hope so

Let time skip_/______//__/___\___/

We were in the gathering in our wolf forms. The Cullen's were here as well. We were just waiting on the Redbird family. I was kind of nervous about seeing Niana again.

Niana's POV (I'm a hip-hopper)

I didn't want to come, didn't want to see Seth, but after that stupid lecture my brother gave me earlier I had make sure he was the one. I groaned as I recalled our little conversation.

"You are being insensitive." Mikah said in his scolding voice. "Poor Seth is a mess. You know how hard this is on him. You don't gave the slightest idea of how this is eating at him. You can't deny your mate. His imprint. He's hurting. And you of all people know how hard it is to find love. Think about that." He stormed off.
Ian sighed. "He's right. You know he's the one. He has the scent. You yourself know this. I'm pretty sure that you are in pain right now." He looked into my eyes. "That's the feeling of being away from your mate to long." He left too. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Betrayals {Pt. 1} (Seth Clearwater LS) ( #Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now