the concert!

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Your POV

Welp I guess this could be worse. I'm with three grown men I've never met. I'm on the run, but now I've got Ethan and Mark by my side. "So" Tyler said. "Let's go out and eat." Mark said "wait! I need to look different." I say. Ethan got up and ran upstairs. "What's he doing?" I say to them Both Tyler and Mark shrugged. Ethan came running in with a bottle of red hairdye and blue hairdye and one of his hoodies. It was baby blue with a cloud that said 'soft boi' I looks at him "TADA!"he yelled I rushed over. "Hair can really change the way someone will see you." I nodded Mark and Tyler walked over. "To the bathroom!" Tyler yelled as we all ran to the bathroom. They all put on plastic gloves and started to make my hair half red and half blue." We did it!" Ethan yelled. His voice was much more higher than Tylers or Mark's. Ethan grabbed the shower head and rinsed my hair. They began to dry my hair with a towel. "Look in the mirror!" Mark said happily so I did. "Woah." I say feeling my new hair. "Its..." I say unhappily. They all gave a confused expression "AMAZING!" that's the first time I've spoke loudly in years. It feels so good to be able to talk. We all walked out. Ethan gave me the hoodie. I slid it on over my head and kept the hood up a tiny bit."where to red n, blue?" Tyler said "Uhm, how about." Ethan opened up his phone "you like grlwood?" "HELL YEAH I DO!" I covered my mouth after I said that they laughed and threw chuckles Ethan said "they're doing a concert in a half an hour. Thres only four tickets left. " we all ran into the car and sped to the restaurant they were in. Its supposed to be a bar type place for bands. "Can we have four tickets" "yep" "three adults one kid." Ethan nodded "which of you is the father?" "Me." Mark says.  Ethan looked at Mark. "Okay go right in" we all rushed in. "This is my first concert" I said to ethan. "Get ready it can get crazy "hello L.A!" Rej said. "Yea hello jello." Karen said. "Were gonna start off with I'm yer dad!" (Listen to these songs now please they're awesome) I cheered "pardon me have you seen our daughter?" I hear my mom say faintly "crap" Ethan looks over at them "dont worry keep your hood up we won't talk to them" Rej began to play the guitar with karen "I'm yer dad." I sing along. Ethan looks at me. I look at him. I begin to scream along. Ethan, mark and Tyler look at me as I sing along casually just screaming the curse words out. "Suck my dick in my nascar fuck me fast in my nascar" I sing "call me daddy!" I yell with the song "and I've got a really big dick" Ethan stares as I scream with them! "Next we'll be playing I hate my mom!" People cheer

Ethans POV (the singer is rej and the drummer is karen)

She can really sing. "Holy shit that's the music you listen to?" "Yep" she says as she yells "I fucking hate my mom" "wear more this but dont wear that. That's too much black. Eating makes you fat." She said. She sang like this song was made for her. Than her mom walked up. I shoved her to the front. They pestered us. Then I hear her Yell "12 years old like you are to young to know abuse." I knew why she listened to this. "Have you seen our daughter. Shes twelve and we thought she'd be here." "Nope haven't seen any kids here but ours." She gave me a look like the 'gays are bad'
"I HATE MY MOM!" She screamed so loudly with them as she started to fake cry. "Y/N?" her mom yelled. "Fuck!" I say rushing to grab her. "Shes after you." "Again." She said "shit." "Take off your clothes" said rej. Me and Y/n walk more towards the mosh pit type thing there was. People stepped on my foot. "Hey theres a kid here." Karen said. "HEY KID YOU LIKE OUR MUSIC?" Rej yelled "Hell yeah!" Y/n said "get up here!" They yelled to her. She really likes this music.. "can I come up to I'm with her?" "Sure thing" "So kid. Favorites song." "I hate my mom" Y/n said "I do like that song" "let's do it again!" She said. Rej played the same cords and Y/n sang the words. Again. Her mom looked up at us. "I fucking hate my mom." Her and rej yelled. Her mom looked crushed. She recognized her voice not her. She saw a girl with red and blue hair with doing what she liked. Not a H/c (hair color) scared little girl. "Why cant you just fuck boys like a normal girl would." She said. I could see her happiness rise as she finished the song. "Meet with us after this concert!" Karen yelled. We jumped off the stage and rushed to Mark "vaccines made me gay" they began to play there music "you were amazing." Tyler said. She really was. I want to keep her safe. Her stupid ass mom. She doesn't deserve that kid. That kid deserves us. Her mom came up to us. She tapped Y/n's should "fuck off bitch" she said to her. "WELL SORRY!" She threw a punch straight at Y/n

Your pov again.

She punched me? This concert made me feel so much power. Like this music was made for this moment. I turned around and my hood flew off. "I SAID FUCK OFF!" I slapped her. She knew it was me. I flipped my hood back on and walked to mark. "Y/N GET YOUR FAT ASS OVER HERE NOW! YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER BEEN BORN." "FUCK OFF!" Mark yelled. "SHE OBVIOUSLY HAS FOUND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO WITH HER LIFE THAN CLEAN FOR YOU EVERYDAY. YOU DONT DESERVE THAT CHILD IN YOUR LIFE. god shes more mature than me!" Mark screamed at her. I laughed. "I NEVER WANTED HER ANYWAYS!" my mom yelled. She stormed away. I looked at Ethan "holy shit you told her off." "I'm fucking done with this shit." I say. Im weak though. I'll cave in. They'll take me back. "You know this concert and this hair shows a new you." Mark said. "What's that supposed to mean.?" "Its awesome" Ethan said. I looked at Ethan. He found me for a reason. Just a day ago I was terrified of him and Mark. Noe I'm here slapping my mom and being me. The real me. The me that's been hiding in a dark room her whole life. I dont deserve Ethan. I turn over to see my dad. I stop singing. "Dude leave us alone." Ethan said to him. "Fuck off little boy." I immediately stuck up for him. "Shut the fuck up!" I yell. Rej heard because she stopped playing. "GET HOME NOW!" "NO. THEY'RE ALREADY BETTER DADS THAN YOULL EVER BE!" I scream. "O" Karen said." I ran up to the stage "get up kid" Rej said as she pulled me up. "you really need this." She began to play her songs with karen as I whisper to her I'm going back. I jumped back down again to get back to Ethan, Mark, and Tyler. I dont deserve them at all. Mark grabbed me and put me on his shoulders. Tyler was yelling at my dad. Ethan was so happy. Til my mom immediately grabbed my hood choking me for a second. "What the duck?" I say. This is it. "Give her back now." Mark said angrily "Ethan help!" I screamed and reached for him. He grabbed my hand and slapped my moms away. My dad must've seen because he walked up to us. He was tall and muscular. All he wanted to do was hurt us. "Give me my daughter. " he said "she is my daughter now" Mark said "and mine!" Ethan joined in the conversation. I was holding his hand and I grabbed onto Mark's. "That's not how giving birth works." "You guys are just stealing a kid." "Were not gay and she wants to be with us." Ethan said. Dad shoved them both and grabbed me. "FUCK YOU!" I scream "I HATE YOU, YOUR NOTHING BUT A SPERM DONOR TO ME. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." I yell. Ethan and Mark look so proud. I kick him in the stomach so he would let go and he did. Mark put his arm around me and Ethan stood behind me. "Like she said she hates you bud. That's a big hint she doesn't want to stay with you two." Mark said as the last song ended. "Now we've got a backstage place to be for our new daughter mr sperm donor." Mark said. My dad stood there with his mouth open. We walked to the backstab area.
~time skip to back at home~

Me and Ethan are at his home. "Good job back there. I never expected that to happen kid." Ethan said. "Me neither." I say. "I'm so glad it did." Ethan looked at me. "I want to adopt you Y/n." Ethan said out of the blue. "Why would you want to? I dont deserve this Ethan." Ethan looked mad at me "YES YOU DO. You're such an amazing kid." I looked down. "Sorry." "Your parents dont deserve you." He said. I begin crying
Ethans POV
"Don't cry. I really do want to adopt you." I say trying to calm her down. She begins to cry more. Then I grab her and pull her close to me. She's sobbing now "Thanks you Ethan Thank you!" She says while hiccupping. I hold her. I feel such a connection to this kid. Like she has been in my life for years. Like I'm her real dad. Not the one who she sings about. Not the one who hurt her. Like I'm the one that plays Mario kart and takes her to concerts. " I really dont deserve this!" She yells as she continues to sob "Yes you do."I say. "You've always deserved this." She begins to cry more. She needs me. "Y/n. Starting today your apart of the Nestor fischbach family!" I say she begins crying more now. "OH MY FUCKING GOD. THANK YOU.," she yells and she leans onto me even more. She just sits there sniffling as I hold her. I hold her tightly. I should tell my dad. Or maybe later. I feel her stress lift away. Like I'm pulling it away. Like me and Mark are. "You deserve all of this. Whatever your mom and dad said to you is wrong. Your beautiful and perfect. You will always deserve this." She wraps her arms around me. She hugs me like I'm not some random guy she ran into. She hugs me like I'm her father. The one she wanted. The one she needed. "They said I was disgusting. They said so many things. I'm so scared." "I've never broken a pinkie promise."

here we are. Ethan x child reader ((DISCONTINUED))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora