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"so what do you think about our new house?" jaehyuk asked me as soon as we stepped inside our new house.

"clean and glassy." i giggled as i looked around. it looked more expensive than our previous house as it was surrounded with glass-  well, it is called a glass house. hahaha

(a/n: lmao i suck at describing.)

"where's dad?" i asked my brother who was busy unpacking our things. unfortunately, he is the only one who can unpack the things because no one can enter the house without being "sanitized".

and the stuffs we brought? they were sanitized, too.

"he's still at work." he replied as i nodded.

i'm yoon ahreum. seventeen years old and have never stepped outside. well i did step outside minutes ago, but i used protective gears which i obviously did not like.

i have severe allergies, so severe that even just breathing a second outside can kill me. i have this illness called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency which is commonly known as SCID. it's a rare genetic disorder where my immune system is really weak to the point it won't be able to fight even mild infections. i was diagnosed of it since i was a child. it is classified as a PIDD or primary immunodificiency disease and also the MOST serious kind of PIDD.

most SCID patients die on an early age, i just got lucky that my dad is a doctor that's why i am still alive and kicking for seventeen years. my brother is a college freshman and he's planning on becoming a doctor which specializes immunology for me.

"you can go to your room, lil sis." jaehyuk smiled at me as he motioned me to go upstairs. "do you need help?" i asked him.

he shook his head. "there's nothing much left since some of our things were move here last week so it's fine. and i need you to rest so you can stay with me and dad until we turn old. nurse jinhee is coming later to check on you." he kissed my forehead before going back to what he was doing while i sighed. i went upstairs to check my new room.

i smiled as soon as i saw how they decorated my room. my ceiling was painted with numerous constellations... everything in this room screamed astronomy and i love it because i am such a sucker for astronomy.

dad and jaehyuk really knows how to spoil me, huh?

you might be wondering why i don't mention my mom. well, my mom died when she gave birth to me and it really sucks not to have a mom.

i mean my dad and my brother were always there for me, also my nurse, jinhee eonni- but i would always yearn for a mother's love.

my life sounds like madeline's from nicola yoon's everything everything, right? well, we do have differences. besides hers was only allergies then her mom overreacted and mine is clearly not- she experienced being in love with someone which i never experienced yet.

"kim junkyu really sucks at this!" i heard voices laughing outside my room which made me curious. i went closer to my glass window and looked at the backyard in front of my room and saw people playing foot volley. all of them were boys and are very attractive i must say... until my eyes landed on a boy pouting as he clumsily kicked the ball which miraculously hit his face.

i laughed at the scene i just witness.

he was cute? and so was his reaction. haha

i didn't realize i was staring at him for too long not until his gaze landed on mine. he gave me a wide smile and a wave, making me flustered. the boys stopped playing and looked at me. i panicked because of the attention i was getting so i immediately closed my curtains and took deep breaths.

what the hell was that?



boy next door ; k. junkyuWhere stories live. Discover now