"Take me out bowling and it'll be a different story."

"I'll be fair, you're pretty good at that." Huijun smiles from the compliment and accepts it comfortably. Minjae guides him onto the rink floor, with it being a weekday not many customers came to skate. So, they basically had the whole place to themselves. Once their skates hit the floor, the surface became smoother and Huijun immediately felt like slipping onto his face like all the other times. "first of all, stand up-" Huijun eyes avert to him quickly as he didn't like the idea, "just trust me."

The brunette lets out a defeated sigh, slowly bringing his back to its straight position, he clutched onto Minjae tighter. "Okay, just follow me. We'll go slow." He shortly leads the boy around the rink, going at a reasonable pace for Huijun to adjust. "when you're pushing, you wanna act like you're gliding. Also, always keep your knees bent don't keep them straight."

"You told me to stand up though?"

"Okay, but this is just because I'm leading you."

Huijun lets out a groan and allows Minjae to continue. Without any warning, the boy lets go to give a prime example of the basic steps. "See, when you're gliding," Minjae uses his right foot to maneuver his body towards the left, his left foot does the same thing but directs him to the right. "it's kind of as if you're running. Moving your hands too helps gain momentum."

"Do you not want to try?" Minjae assumes, noticing how the boy didn't move a muscle.

"I'm going to fall if you don't come over and get me." Huijun explains, reminding that they were about seven feet apart since Minjae gave his presentation.

"Come on, just try and travel to me. If you fall it's okay! I fell while learning."

Huijun stands in the rink like a sim waiting to be given further instructions, there was barely anyone around, in fact it was merely just them having the rink to themselves. He had nobody else to embarrass himself in front of except for Minjae and the security cameras. "If I fall, you're buying me lunch tomorrow."

Minjae lets out a laugh, "Well, you're going to have to remind me."

Huijae decides to try and glide with his right foot first, pushing gently and keeping his knees bent. He leaned forward slightly to keep himself from falling backwards - as he traveled slightly, he was surprised by this and tried with the opposite foot. Things were going well, he was moving little by little. "You're doing great!" Minjae praises from the sidelines, Huijun only focuses on himself as he didn't want to jinx it and crash a second later. The distance between Huijun and Minjae began to close, as the brunette came closer Minjae skated backwards slightly to keep the progress going.

"Is it me or seven feet is really far?" Huijun questions, eyes still glued onto his feet as Minjae was indeed moving.

"Don't know, but it's okay you'll get to me soon." Which was a complete lie, Minjae was backing himself up to the barrier of the rink which kept skaters from crashing into the main area. Huijun kept moving forward, humming to himself as he listened to the song that played to keep himself motivated. Minjae watched with proud eyes as he enjoyed the sight of his best friend trying out something he believed he was terrible at. But, Huijun was just afraid of the idea falling, there was nothing wrong with that.

"Minjae, are you sure that-" Minjae, who was more than seven feet away waved from the sidelines. Huijun blinks a couple of eyes, pondering to himself if he was seeing things right. Minjae tried to hold in his unnecessary snort in order to keep Huijun's composure level stable. The blonde slowly started to skate towards him, that was until Huijun stood up rather quickly which was a bad idea. "you're so annoying you know! Like-" With the gestures that came with his scolding, Huijun felt his skates moving and there his eyes flashed to where he saw the ceiling. A loud thump entered his ears, but, a pair of arms wrap around him as he couldn't comprehend the situation.

"You're so lucky I'm a fast skater." Minjae mutters, lifting up his head to make eye contact with Huijun. He protected the boy's neck and skull as there could have been some awful damage. "but, I think I deserve that scolding."

"You do." As Huijun pinches his cheek without any warning, which leads to Minjae letting out a whine. Huijun, who laughs at his suffering allows Minjae to retract himself from the boy. "you know we should-"

"Hey, stop flirting on the rink!" The intercom interrupts, its one of the few workers that sit in the back. Disappointed to see the two being all cute during their lunch break.

Minjae and Huijun look at each other, bursting out into laughter as they gotten the wrong idea. But, surely one of their hearts wished for the concept others assumed. "Come on, we got a lot to teach you."


After two hours of spending time at the roller-rink, Huijun was going home with bruised up knees and Minjae had a couple of nasty marks for needing to be Huijun's cushion from time to time. "Sorry for you hand." Huijun shortly apologizes, acknowledging his skating skills weren't the best.

"It's okay, I'm just glad I got to skate with you."

"Well, there's always next time right?" Huijun tries to reassure as there was a bittersweet expression on Minjae's face. He wondered if the blonde knew, he had a feeling he did but Minjae was too afraid to admit it. "Right?"

"Yeah." Minjae shakes his head, they were currently on their walk home and it wasn't long until they entered their neighborhood. "I'll see you in math tomorrow right?"

Huijun nods, confirming that he'd be in class. "Yeah, why?"

"Just, sit next to me like always." Minjae requests, "okay?"

"Okay." Huijun complies and doesn't ask about his wants. They reached Minaje's house first, Huijun and him stand in front of the building. "I'll see you-"

Minjae pulled the boy into a hug, which was unexpected since it was rare to find Minjae hugging someone. It wasn't like Huijun was disliking the skinship, he just wondered why. That was until Minjae pulled away, kissing his forehead gently and running off into his home without another word. Huijun, left dumbfounded touches the place that left a electrifying trace to it. "What the..."

Minjae who rushed into his room locked the door once he entered. Back hitting the door after it became secured, he slides down onto the floor and covers his mouth. He was an idiot, a pure loser who had no game and he waited until the last minute. Minjae, who looked at his wrist that displayed his 'time' bit his tongue as he didn't enjoy the churning feeling in his stomach. He stuck out his tongue and brings his left thumb up to make contact with the moist muscle. Allowing the surface to become damp, Minjae rubs it alongs his wrist and there the 'date' he displayed to everyone disappeared.

He was due in twenty-twenty, he didn't mind much about it until he found Huijun. A random kid who he personally picked to be his history partner in his freshman year of high school. He didn't believe a friendship with the random brunette would change his life, but it did. Scared to come clean with his date, Minjae had developed feelings for the boy and this made it harder as he couldn't come up with a way to expose the truth.

As he believed it was too soon, Minjae was too afraid to say those three words and confess to the boy as he was now a ticking bomb. In a couple of hours, he'd become a new person - a new Minjae with a refreshed set of memories.

Huijun had safely made his way home, still shocked by the event that only happened minutes ago. He wondered if Minjae was into soft gestures like those, maybe it was because he was aware of his due date? Huijun was still figuring out how he knew, but if he did, he hoped Minjae wasn't mad at him.

"Huijun, dinner is ready!" His mother yells from downstairs.

"Coming!" He shouts back in mannerly tone, quickly changing out of his outerwear, he wonders what was going on in the boy's mind.

But, there was no way he'd know when the Minjae he'd see tomorrow, was not his Minjae from today.

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