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NO HUIJUN was due in four days, Monday was completed yesterday and it was now Tuesday. He would lose his memories Friday morning and would be forced to go to school without remembering anyone's faces or register the information that followed with them. He should tell his best friend, but, knowing that he lied for two years may lead to Minjae leaving him as that was his biggest fear. "Hyung." BANG JUNHYUK, his sophomore friend calls, they were currently in study hall and Junhyuk needed help with algebra homework, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Huijun reassures, adding a fake yawn to boost his acting, "I didn't get much sleep last night. Honor classes take a lot of extra time." He scratches his nape, letting out a nervous laugh as Junhyuk understood his situation. "What were we focusing on? Was it probability?"

"Permutations and combinations but close enough." The pinkette corrects, which leads to Huijun smacking his head as he realized he was an idiot. "okay, well what's the problem?

Junhyuk points to problem number five, Huijun reads the problem and his eyebrows raise as he understood how to solve it. He shortly explains it to Junhyuk, asking for his pencil and drawing out the problem. He pointed out how he got each number and explained why the problem was set up the way it was. "Combination basically means the order doesn't matter, while permutation does. The set up looks the same but with combination problems, you have that one extra step."

"Oh, okay I see." As the younger registers his explanation, he continues on completing the problems and decides to finish everything so Huijun can check his work once he was done. Huijun nods his head and checks his phone for any incoming messages, that was until the third seat that was unoccupied within the circle table was pulled out. The familiar blonde took a seat and set down his psychology textbook, "Minjae hyung, you're here too?" Junhyuk questions, but Huijun instructs the pinkette to get back to work so he can finish.

"Didn't do your psychology notes?" Huijun guesses, Minjae gives a guilty smile,

"Didn't do my psychology notes." As he shortly repeats his phrase, well it was slightly rephrased but you get what he means. Minjae roughly turns the pages but ensures to not rip them as they were fragile and thin. "time please."

"twenty-two minutes," Huijun answers, understanding his question. He receives a small thank you and returns to his work. He had his notebook ready and scribbled down the pieces of information that seemed important from the reading. As Junhyuk finished his problems, the older brunette had checked each one and luckily, Junhyuk only had a few mistakes - but overall he did well. Praising him for his work, Huijun receives a text from the younger,

'do you still have a crush on minjae hyung?'

Huijun chokes on air, the alarming sound result in other students plus Minjae to stare at him. Huijun, who shortly apologizes returns back to the message, Junhyuk who lets out a snort waits for the boy's response.

> why are you asking?

> cause you were having a crisis
over it like a month ago

> okay true but

> but ???

> maybe ?? feelings are confusing
it's not every day you may have
potentially catch feelings for
your best friend

> well it's okay, you have time
to figure things out

> yeah... i guess

As the two boys end their conversation there, Junhyuk was unaware of the untold information that revolved around Huijun's date. The brunette sat there, setting his phone face down on the round table so he could slump back into his seat. Minjae, who caught this puts down his pencil, "Stressing again?"

Huijun shrugs his shoulder, which implies that Minjae should guess. His blonde friend sighs, picking up his pencil and pointing it at him firmly, "ice cream after school, meet me at the gate."

"I don't have money," Huijun tells, Minjae was quick enough to turn down his statement,

"I'll pay, just meet me at the gate."

Junhyuk wiggles his eyebrows, returning back to his messages he texts Huijun. The brunette hears his phone buzz and he picks it up, his eyes reading the new message that displays on his screen leads to his phone being quickly placed back down. Minjae was startled once again as the slam created a loud noise, "Sorry, mom told me she's not making Korean pancakes when I get home...it's for tomorrow."

"Oh, well they are your favorites so that's understandable." Minjae returns to his work and Junhyuk lets out a stream of giggles on the sidelines.

> so it's a date!


After school Huijun had met Minjae at the gate as he was instructed to and they both walked to the nearby parlor that was located a bit close to their neighborhood. Yes, the two boys did indeed live near each other so it was quite efficient when they wanted to hang out. They enter the shop and spot their friend NAM SEUNGMIN who was working at the counter today. Since they were somewhat close, the shorter boy knew their orders. "Is Huijun having a bad week again?" Seungmin teases, removing two ice cream cups from the stack and moving along to get their ice cream ready. The brunette rolls his eyes, but he wasn't necessarily wrong,

"Very funny, where's Seongjun hyung?" Huijun questions, not wanting to discuss about his worries.

"In the back, Seongjun hyung! Minjae and Huijun are here!" The boy calls, the three boys hear quick footsteps coming their way and there the older boy displays himself. SON SEONGJUN a first-year college student reveals himself as he was on his break.

"Hey guys! How's school treating you?" As he racks up a conversation, Minjae gives him a thumbs up while Huijun replies with a mere shrug, "that's valid. Just wait until you get to college, you have a bit more freedom but the work is still as overwhelming."

"I told Huijun that we should apply to the same college." Minjae shortly informs, Huijun nudges the boy as he didn't need to announce the news to everyone. "but, we still need to figure out what we're majoring in."

"That seems like a good plan." Seungmin pops in, he places the two cups of ice cream on the counter and inputs the total into the register. Minjae, who goes to pay gives the boy cash and waits for the remaining change. "hyung you're in business right?" Asking for clarification.

"Yep." The older answers, "though it is good to have a plan when you get into college to save money, if your passion changes it just does. Don't force yourself to stay in a field you aren't interested in."

"Good advice hyung." Minjae teases, pointing his finger at him and giving the older an eye smile. "but, thanks we'll take that into mind. We have to get going though." The blonde takes their ice cream and the duo says their goodbyes. As they exit the parlor, Minjae hands Huijun his strawberry ice cream. The brunette tells him a tiny thanks as he takes it gently. "can I ask you something?" Minjae then says after handing him the sweet treat, Huijun was about to take a dollop into his mouth but stops as he hears his words,

"Yeah sure."

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Minjae shyly questions, looking down into his ice cream cup as he speaks. "I just think we need to spend more time together."

Huijun's eyes widen, did he know? The thought worried him and though Minjae didn't seem anyway affected by it, he answers calmly to not show any suspicions. "Yeah, we can. After school right?"

"Yeah, after school."

That would make it a Wednesday, two days before Huijun would forget everything about Minjae. "Okay, that's fine with me. Where are we going?"

Minjae shrugs his shoulders, playing with the soft-serve treat, "Wherever time takes us."

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