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Wren was so frustrated she could scream. This was around the seventeenth time she had asked Reuben to allow her into the elite warriors rank. She knew she was good enough. Even the rest of the Overseers had agreed that she had aced the test. But of course, the decision had to be unanimous for her to get in. Reuben was the only thing between her and the rank she had been trying to get to for so long.


She didn’t understand why he was so against this decision. He had always stayed by her side, supporting her at every twist and turn. He was the closest thing she had to a father. He understood her better than anyone. So what had made him change his mind? It just wasn’t fair.


"Wren," a voice called after her. "We need to talk."


Wren folded her arms and turned around to face the person who had just spoken. It was Reuben. Seeing the expression on her face, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know you’re angry. I have my reasons for everything I do. I can’t tell you right now, but you should know that it is too dangerous for you outside the facility."


"Why isn't it too dangerous for Laine or Camille and the others, then?” She looked up at him, brow furrowed.


Reuben hesitated. "I'm sorry, Wren. I really am." He looked sincere - and that was saying something as he had never really been a good liar. These things just came when you’ve known someone that long. "I know how much you want this, but you need to understand that it is just not safe for you.” Reuben hesitated for a moment. It had been a small movement, but Wren’s sharp eyes caught it, and she waited expectantly.


“If you really must know…” His sharp golden eyes locked into her gaze for a second before he looked away. “No, never mind.”


"Really must know what?" she asked sharply. "We trust each other, Rueben. Don’t we? Why not tell me?” She felt several years’ worth of red-hot anger unknotting in her stomach, and she wasn’t sure she felt like pushing it down.


Rueben opened his mouth as if to say something, but then shook his head. “I’m sorry.” He turned away. "Anyway. That's not the reason I came to talk to you. We're having a meeting in the hall. You should come. Be part of the community's decision."


And with that, he walked away. Wren made for the hall, but then realized she wasn't wearing her hoodie. She trudged through the hallway to her assigned bedroom. It wasn’t very big, but she was fine with it really, as long as it was arranged the way she liked it - she had had enough of tyranny in the Skyscrapers.


She had lived in the Skyscrapers till she was eight, and she still never forgot how the people lived there. The dull uniformity of the people, like hope was something they had given up a long time ago. The artificial light piercing her eyes. The feeling of looking at the blank walls and knowing they were looking right back, knowing that your every movement was being watched. Every aspect of their life was controlled. Like all they were, was experiments in a laboratory.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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