Then the party started…!

“We have a birthday boy in the house tonite..!! Woot woot give it up for, RYAN!!!” the band vocalist announced….

Gemuruh lah semua orang at the bar…. Full house sudah the bar kalau time-time 10pm sudah…. Ryan? Apa lagi bottoms up saja dengan his Chivas…. Suka pula dia meningkat umur kan? Makin tua makin miang!

Then the band sang a birthday song untuk Ryan…. Acara potong cake saya arranged to be the last event, sebelum 12 midnite sebab masi juga birthday dia, asal before 12….

Honestly, Ryan memang suka kalau bab-bab saya menyanyi….. Ryan babe, ini malam adalah malam terakhir kau akan dengar saya menyanyi untuk kau.... Selepas ni kau minta lah pel*cur kau menyanyi untuk kau....

Ada tipsy-tipsy sikit sudah saya time tu…. 2 glasses of Chivas and 3 glasses of beer sudah saya minum….. no no no…. this can’t happen, saya mesti mau control my drinking… saya tidak mau miss Ryan’s reaction bila saya kasi surprise dia…. Actually, nobody knows what’s my surprise untuk dia ni malam…. Hahaha… saya saja yang tau….. only me….

“Ok... we have a special guest tonite who’s going to sing for Mr. Ryan!! Miss Eve Evangelista come up on stage….!!”

Ahaa, sudah dijemput, naik lah of course …. Saya naik perlahan-lahan to the stage… sempat lagi tu vocalist mengenyit mata sama saya...

“Maganda ikaw….” dia tunduk berbisik di telinga saya…

Saya ketawa and bisik balik di telinga dia….
“Salamat po….”

Terkejut dia saya boleh balas balik dalam Bahasa dia.... tsk tsk…. Saya ambil the microphone dari dia.... cute juga bah ni orang, dalam hati saya bilang….

Saya tersenyum nakal, bagus saya ubah tuning sikit….. saya kasi balik the vocalist his microphone and minta another microphone from his bandmate…..

“Ano ang pangalan mo?” saya tanya the vocalist.. I was giggling… pening-pening sudah saya….

“Ako Jason…” dia bilang sambil dia ketawa juga dengar saya bercakap Bahasa dia.. Uiks cukup training tengok drama Filipinas bah saya ni….. hahaha...🤭

“Okay Jason…. I don’t wanna sing alone.... not yet.... I’m so tipsy.... sing with me…..” I said dengan manja…

“Okay... I take the challenge po….” Dia bilang…. “What are we gonna sing?”

“What can you sing?” saya cabar dia..… Uuuuuu the whole bar berbunyi time kami cabar-mencabar…

“I can sing anything, maganda...” dia senyum gete dengan saya…. “My bandmates can play anything…”

“Okay Jason… mmm.... let’s do ‘Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough’….” saya bilang….

This song yang saya pilih untuk tabur-tabur  garam sikit saja bah on Ryan…. Belum lagi yang full blast…

“Wow.... let’s do this..!!” Jason the vocalist was excited…. So the band started on the intro…. Ada juga bah skrip lagu di depan kalau tersalah lyrics….. hahaha…!

Saya pusing menghadap the audience... section kami memang berdepan dengan stage… saya boleh nampak dengan sangat jelas muka Ryan…. Dia kasi naik satu kudou dia masa dia dengar lagu pilihan saya....

HAH! ini baru appetizer, belum main course lagi, Ryan.... paling sedap saya akan bagi kau dessert... kau bersabar saja….

Sabar saja ah…. This is an episode yang memang berlagu…. Banyak music, sebab dari music lah kita dapat meluahkan hati kita and secara tidak langsung menyampaikan apa yang kita tidak dapat sampaikan secara normal….

“You first... ” saya bilang sama the vocalist.. 

So verse pertama dia yang nyanyi… syok lah bah suara dia... serak-serak basah…. Lama sudah saya tidak berduet dengan siapa-siapa… did I just so suddenly miss Branden?

** Jason: he walked to me and reached for my hands, dia pegang tangan saya konon ni…. Eee malu saya! lakonan feeling lagi muka dia tu… sempat saya silik Ryan dari ekor mata saya....tajam mata dia, berkerut dahi lagi dia tu… jealous ka, Ryan? Kau jealous nampak tu vocalist terlebih mesra sama saya? Macam mau pok saya? **
🎶 Now, I don't want to lose you
but I don't want to use you
just to have somebody by my side 🎶

🎶And I don't want to hate you,
I don't want to take you, but I don't want to be the one to cry
And I don't really matter to anyone anymore
But like a fool I keep losing my place and
I keep seeing you walk through that door🎶

** Jason & Eve: ini part chorus macam Ryan tidak berapa selesa sudah saya tengok ni…..**
🎶But there's a danger in loving
somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know
it's your heart you can't trust
There's a reason why people
don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough🎶

** Eve : Bila saya start verse saya…. “Wow! Eve Evangelista!” potong steam ni vocalist mau juga teriak-teriak, deii… **
🎶Now, I could never change you
I don't want to blame you
Baby, you don't have to take the fall🎶

🎶Yes, I may have hurt you,
but I did not desert you
Maybe I just want to have it all
It makes a sound like thunder,
it makes me feel like rain🎶

🎶And like a fool who will never see the truth,
I keep thinking something's gonna change.🎶

** Eve & Jason: Chorus kami nyanyi together.... okay, sekarang macam saya betul-betul terindu time saya selalu menyanyi sama Branden **
🎶But there's a danger
in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know
it's your heart you can't trust
There's a reason why people
don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough🎶

** Jason: dengan muka yang masi jiwang, menepuk dada dia dengan feeling…**
🎶And there's no way home when it's late at night and you're all alone.
Are there things that you wanted to say?🎶

** Eve: ini verse saya looked at Ryan direct to his eyes…. harap kau faham lah, Ryan…**
🎶And do you feel me beside you in your bed
there beside you where I used to be?🎶

Huh…! kuat tarikan ni lagu... mau habis nafas saya…. hahaha... habis saja kami nyanyi, Jason the vocalist buat aksi tunduk macam tu Jepun sama saya….. siap dia buat tabik hormat lagi ah.... saya balas balik tabik dia... best bah suara dia boleh ikut World Idol sudah....

 best bah suara dia boleh ikut World Idol sudah

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