Part 16: Am I Dreaming?

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"Why are you teasing her so soon after she wakes up?! Nat-chan needs to rest and you being a jerk to her! Don't act like last night never happened!" I hear Nīsan yell at the blonde and he rubs his eyes slightly, his brian still not functioning at 100%.

"Last night?" Kei asks and I feel my heartbreaking as those words leave his mouth. I smile at him kindly, doing my best to disguise my agony. 

"See!? I knew that there was no way that was the real Kei!" I say teasing him lightly before he frowns at me. 

"What did I do now?" He asks sighing and letting his head fall knocking the wind out of me once more. That was when I saw a light pink dusting Kei's face as he abruptly sits up. "MORON! JUST BECAUSE IT'S PAST MIDNIGHT DOESN'T MEAN IT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!" I hear him yell as he exhaustedly sighs while rubbing his temples. "You hate me don't you?" He grumbles to himself as I let out a small chuckle, my spirits lifting, that is until I realize what they just said.

"GET TO BED ALL OF YOU!" I shout at them and when Aniki tries to justify his actions I make Nīsan proud and throw a volleyball at his head. "I DON'T CARE ALL THREE OF YOU HAVE SCHOOL IN THE MORNING AND NONE OF YOU HAVE GOTTEN ANY SLEEP!" I yell at the trio and Kei groans.

"I just woke up can we not be yelling right now!?" He moans before pointing a lanky finger at Aniki. "Shut it Shittykawa, I don't want to hear you're I told you so." He says before sighing and looking at me.

Tsukishima POV:

She looks so cute in her glasses. I want to kiss her but, what if she-Kei you, idiot, you already kissed her she won't mind! I think when Natalie looks at me with concern in her eyes. "Kei, is everything alright?" She asks innocently and I feel my heart melt.  She's just a girl Kei. There's no reason for you to react like this. If you get to close, she'll see just how inferior to the others you are, she'll see it all. Push her away, let everything go back to normal, then we can just be friends. I think with fear running through my veins.

"I'm fine, I'm gonna go to bed. See you later Natalie," I say dismissively before walking out of the room.  Idiot, you shouldn't have kissed her in the first place! You shouldn't have cried when she said no! You should've just kept on the mask, then we wouldn't be here in the first place! It's just like back in the car after the last time we were here! I think as I pull my white headphones over my ears. I begin formulating a plan and that was when I went with the only thing I could think of, the cruelest thing ever yes, but the only way to get me out of the mess I had put myself in.

I pull out my phone and text my mom promptly, telling her to come to pick me up.

Me: Hey, come pick me up, I'm tired.

Mom: Ok, I'm on my way. How is she?

Me: She's fine f̶o̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶,̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶

Mom: So, did you ask her to be your girlfriend yet?

Me: No and I'm not going to.

Mom: Didn't you just confess your love to her? And didn't she accept?

Me: No, I didn't because I don't have any feelings for her, but she does have feelings for me.

Mom: But you kissed her.

I type it out and feel my heart cracking as I do, I like her and I want to be her only but she'll notice sooner or later that I'm an awful person. At least this way, we both endure far less heartache. I feel my hand shaking as my thumb hovers over the send button. I decide not to send the message as I'm shocked into hitting the send button by the voice of one of the annoying Nekoma players. "Glasses! What happened to Nat-chan!?" The boy with the spiky hair shouts as Mom receives the message I didn't mean to send.

Me: Yeah, to get a reaction out of her.

"She's fine, I just was messing around with her and things got out of hand," I told the boys and I saw the short setter eyeing me like he knew I was lying. "She'll be out of the hospital by tomorrow evening, nothing too serious," I reply as my exhaustion settles in even more.

I see my mom's car pull up and then something moving in the corner of my eye. I turn around and there's Natalie, chasing after me. She stands up on the balls of her feet and pecks me on the lips before smiling back up at me when she stands flat on her feet. "You forgot to kiss me goodnight!" She told me and the hardest words to ever leave my mouth to reach her ears.

"You're taking my little game too far! Just because I messed around a little, experimenting with a boyish girl, doesn't mean you have to kiss me goodnight. Now leave me alone Oikawa, your face disgusts me," I say and I turn around quickly climbing into the back seat of the car as I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.  Why am I crying? She's just a girl.

Normal POV:

I felt my knees giving out from under me as I see Kei's mom drive away. I feel arms wrapping around me and holding me tightly but I barely register that they're even there. I feel a few stray tears leave my eyes and the words my mother used to say to me flooded my mind. You worthless little bitch! I saved you from being split up from your sisters and this is how you treat me! Stop building a wall between us! You're doing this to yourself! Do you think I like to yell? GET OUT YOU WORTHLESS, UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH!!! The hurtful words my mom said to me filled my mind and I suddenly only saw Kuroo's face.

"You are loved very deeply Nat-chan! Even if that jerk can't see it you deserve love and respect. We all love you with all our hearts Nat-chan. So, please don't cry over someone so insignificant when you are surrounded by people who care enough to beat his ass." Kuroo replies and when my tears start to slow his eyes closed. Before I could register what was happening he was kissing my forehead and then pulled me into a tight hug.

I started to clutch onto Kuroo's shirt as I feel all my tears flowing out. After a good 20 minutes of crying, I see a broken portable gaming console on the ground. I look up at see Kenma holding on to me tightly while staring at my eyes. "Don't be guilty, Lev owes me a new anyway," He says disinterestedly causing me to smile. I let go of Kuroo and hug the smaller male closely causing him to turn red and hide his face in embarrassment.

I feel more tears falling as I thank the older male. "Thanks, Kenma, you're the best!" I say and Kuroo mocks pain, knowing that my brother's antics always get me to crack a smile.

"Imōto!" He whines imitating my brother with his hand over his heart. "But I gave such a wonderful speech!!!" He whines imitating Aniki making me laugh heartily as the real one shows up and complains.

"HEY!!! I don't sound like that!" He whines and I laugh heartily before I'm enveloped in a group hug.

Time Skip because I'm so mean to my precious baby Nat-chan

I walk into the school building and I see Kei walking with Yama. As soon as I see the tall blonde, all the memories I had tried so hard to suppress flooded my mind. I felt myself crying gently, not making a sound, but Yama noticed. "Nat-chan? Are you alright?" He asks me concerned and I look at the adorable boy before pasting on a smile that causes someone to glare at me.

"Yeah! Of course, I am! Sorry, I was just remembering my dad, I miss him so much that sometimes when I see a Monarch Butterfly, I ask him how he's doing," I say and Yama looks at me remembering that butterflies represent the soul of someone, both living and dead. That was when a Monarch butterfly flays past the window, catching both of our eyes. 

"Hurry up Yamaguchi, otherwise we'll be late for class, you too, Oikawa," I hear Kei say in the distance but all my grief over my dad just suddenly comes up to me and I start to cry. 

"Nat-chan? What's wrong!? Tsuki!-" I hear Yama say before being cut off by Kei.

"Shut up Yamaguchi!" He says irritation showing in his voice. "She believes that she can shoulder the world, that nothing affects her, I'm sick and tired of trying to save a girl who can't be saved!" He says and I feel the hot tears streaming down my face even faster. "Call her brother, I'm not dealing with this," He tells Yamaguchi coldly.

Tsukishima POV:

I'm an awful person, why did I have to lash out at her like that!? She's fragile and she can break herself down fine without my help! Why did I have to glare at her when I saw that fake-ass smile!? Why do I have to keep pushing away this girl!? WAIT!? WHY DO I WANT TO BE CLOSE TO HER!? I ask myself as a single tear escapes my eyes.

Aniki and Saltyshima (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora