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March 23, 1983 
Location: Unknown?

            Oh thank goodness this pencil still works! As much as it pains me, my satchel suffered a different fate, landing in a heap of mangled leather and tattered straps. I did my best to salvage whatever scraps of it I could, as it seems that some of the buckles have snapped. I knew that the price on this bag was too good to be true.. Oh! Right, right- I need to recalculate my thoughts. That's the only reason why I'm writing this on a dingy cave floor instead of immediately trying to get out of this sticky situation. Without a peaceful state of mind I might as well just rot away on the rocky ground. Damn it for these genes not doing me any good. So, where am I? How did I get here? I think.. ah yes! My lighter still works! Now, if I can find some sticks that would be absolutely peachy.. 
      I managed to locate some tree limbs a few feet away where I believe I fell into this wretched place. I don't exactly know how far I fell, but by the height of the mouth I believe it to be about thirteen meters or so. The cave has a disturbingly smooth wall from where the opening is, and to my dismay it seems rather in-climbable. No little outcroppings, only a peculiar straight stone wall that nearly arches over the cavern. There even seemed to be some type of coverage, perhaps foliage? Covering the entrance. I might have brought these sticks down with me, then. No wonder why I couldn't see such a precarious hole, though my sight is nothing to fool around about. Despite every possible thing I had to prevent me from tripping or falling I still ended up in this godforsaken place. Now all I contain is a broken bag and some survival gear. Grateful for that, at least. Well, I'll put down my pen for now and scope out the area. With enough light I should be able to find another exit, or perhaps even build one. 

March 24, 1983 

         I've looked around nearly all day, even into the next morning. Besides from a few sparse branches nothing else seems to be here with me. There's no other exits, no other entry ways. The only thing I can conclude is this must be a den of some sorts, which only brings on a new wave of fear. I can only hope that whatever the hell could live in this space doesn't mind me bunking down in here for a bit. There's not much else I can do except possibly wait for someone to come and find me. I did tell my family that I was going hiking- hell, I do this every week! Not once have I encountered a hole this deep, with walls so weathered by what I can only assume was water long ago. 
        Now that I think about it, had the mouth gotten farther away? The walls seem to be at least a foot higher, new cracks lining it's navy blue surface. There wasn't an earthquake, as far as I could tell, so how would that be possible? Wait, wait, I'm probably just tired. I've been so couped up in my thoughts, eager for a way to escape that I haven't had a lick of exhaustion fill my bones. Yet now.. Now I am quite tired. I always did worry too much, yet slumber always rejuvenated my weary mind. I believe I will sleep, little notebook. I do apologize for filling you with nonsensical notes rather than illustrations, but this is the best I can do for now. Until another time, signing off for now. 

March 24, 1983

        I think I found another possible exit! I was traversing the edges of the cavern, looking for a trickle of water to aid my thirst. My canister was filled briefly due to my own fault prior to my endeavor, and a parched throat paired with a lethargic mind is in no way to operate. Besides that, the cave is quite moist, dare say even humid! I've found myself sweating underneath my jacket, as light as it may be. The seasons up here were never severe, always at least temperate. The humidity in the ripe young age of early spring is a cause for concern, but I digress. The moisture paired with insulated heat from stony walls would create such a thing, and oh my- to my surprise, there was a little spring of water leaking from a hole. It runs rather clear compared to the coursing river drenched in the color of caked mud up above ground. But as much as it excites me to have found a source of sustenance, I can nearly jump for joy at the hole. It is quite small and cramped for what I can see, yet the passage appears to open up later on. Hell, if my eyes aren't playing tricks I could even say that there are a few rays of sunlight poking through. A very light through pitch blackness! 
          All of my items are packed, or what I have left, that is. I still have my first aid kit, some granola bars, and whatever the hell else is left jostling in this mangled bag of mine. The morning light filtering in by my original entrance is taunting me, the golden glow stretching the walls of the cave into something nearly.. human. But I must remember, I am still quite exhausted. I took a nap that only lasted mere moments, and as of now I doubt I will be able to sneak a wink in without excitement bursting the bubble of sluggishness growing beneath my gaze. One doesn't require a mirror to know that they appear as if they have just come crawling from a cave. Well anyways, I shall venture on. The dank scent of this cave is beginning to make my head hurt beyond measure. Only the occasional breeze from above brings me any semblance of relief. The taste of freedom is near, and I shall have my drink of it! Godspeed, little notebook, I shall be free!

March 23, 1983Where stories live. Discover now