America stuck in a door

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It's was another meeting with people yell, fight, sleeping and ect. And America was just at his set minding his own business doodling one a piece of paper, intel Prussia came along and pick America up birde style "hey anyone up for around of toss the Amerikan vith the AWESOME me"Prussia said with a grin. Then almost everyone go up expect Germany, England,Canada and Greece who was still sleeping. 

"Okay let do this" Denmark said with a smile 'oh no not this again' thought America and with that Prussia threw America over to Denmark but he threw the American to high up and Denmark miss causing America to crash through the door. "Oops" was all Prussia could say before he got smack in the back of the head by Hungary frying pan "vath in the name happens here"Germany yell as Canada got up a ran over to his brother. "Vell jou see umm heheh" Prussia said nervously  "well someone tell why I can only see my brother butt instead of his full body infront of the door"said a very angry Canada ready to beat the cramp out of Prussia.

"CAN YA'LL STOP YELL AND GET ME OUT OF THE DOOR IM FREAKING STUCK"yelled America as he struggled to get out the door. "I break the door with my pipe da?" Russia said as he pulled out his pipe "oh no jou don't jou ain't about to break the door down" yelled Germany. "Well how are we going to get America out the door da-ze" ask South Korea "hey America try wiggleing your way out" said Denmark yell for America to hear blushing a little. "Okay I'll try"America said as he tried to wiggle his way out which caused most of the nations blush. 

"Stop looking at my little brother butt before I sanp your neck" Canada said glaring and the nations looking at his butt "please just get me out of here..." America said crying a little and blushing for the embarrassment.

 "What don't one of us goes behind him a try to pull him out" said Denmark 

"I'll do it aru!!" Yell China 

"Why do jou get to do it"snap Prussia 

"If any thing I should do it"said Turkey 

And with that everyone started arguing about who going to pull America out to even notice Switzerland already behind America. "Okay America I'm going to get you out of here" Switzerland said as he grad America Female shap like hips. America let out a yelp as he felt Switzerland grad his hips and everyone sanp there head towards Switzerland and America as the all glared at Switzerland as a jealousy aure filled the room.

Switzerland tried to pull a tug on the America hoping to pull him out but it didn't work so he got a little closer to the American were Switzerland was against America butt which at that point everyone was ready to fight Switzerland especially Canada. Switzerland tried to pull America even harder and with a few more tugs Switzerland finally got America out the door causing them to fall back with America on Switzerland lap.

"Yes I'm finally free thank you so much Switzerland" America said giving the nation a kiss on the cheek before run out the confidence room. Switzerland just sat on the floor blushing because his crush just kissed him on the cheek. Then he felt something burning holes though the back of his head so he turn around to see mostly everyone glaring at him with  jealousy. He just smirk at them giving the you mad or nah look at leaft the room. It took every ounce of energy for Canada not the beat the crap out Switzerland with his hockey stick. 

Everyone knows how overprotective Canada is of his little brother UwU 

636 words sorry it short but hope you like it bye my little  cinnamon rolls~ <3

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