Part 3- Emotionally Attatched

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I hadn't spoken to Jesse in a week or two since our semi romantic get together. I wasn't sure what was to happen. Should he text me first, or vice versa? But I still thought about him day and night, longing for his touch, and his smell, cigarettes and cologne. I missed the way his tattooed arms hugged me as we were in bed, recovering from our sex.

I was trying to muster up the courage to text Jesse first when Brynn threw open recognized, but couldn't remember the name. Then, as they were making out and walking past me to her bedroom, I saw his face. It was Zach, from Jesses band. I almost passed out; this had to be a sign, right?

I picked up my phone and typed out my message,

"We haven't seen each other in a while, you wanna meet up" I was contemplating the pros and cons of sending the risky text when a message came in from an unknown number.

"hey come to my place tonight, I even cleaned!!!" that was weird, I read the number and thought who would have a California area code, then another text came in that read "oh this is Jesse, I got a new number because my old one leaked to fans and it took me a while to get it, sorry we haven't talked in a while" my heart skipped a beat. He had been thinking about me this whole time. Was he staying up at night thinking about my touch? When he could sleep, were his dreams about me? Would I ever know the answers to these questions?


Jesse's POV

I felt so bad for not talking to Dylin in weeks. Especially after our last night together, that sure was something. But what could I do? The phone company charged me extra for getting a new number and it took hella long for it to really work. The fans, you gotta love them. I also didn't get together with any of my other girls, but they were always separate. They were only when Dylin couldn't make it. They weren't special. But that's what Dylin was. She was special. I mean look at her, she had the body of a Goddess, with big blue eyes that transformed into small slits when she smiled, her hair flowed to her waist, like a radiant, blonde waterfall, of beauty. Her smile could light up a whole city for a year. I haven't had something like what I and Dyl have, if you can even call it anything, since Amanda. And look how that ended. But I had a good feeling with Dylin, if I could ever grow the balls to ask her out on a real date, maybe my life could finally work out good for me.


I'm sorry this is short but I wanted to put up 3 parts tonight and still have time to read more fanfics. :))

Snap Out Of ItOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora