Golden Globes

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Three cameras were narrow at him. His hands already started sweating and he wished his face would stay dry to the end of this interview. He was trying not to smile like a fool. He knew, that many people were watching Golden Globes and he wanted to make at least good impression. The moderator then turned to him.
"Harry Styles.. the new young popstar.. Hi! How are you?" the moderator put microphone under his chin.
"Hi.. I'm little bit nervous, but I'm good. Thank you." Harry smiled at him. The nervousness started to be bigger. He already has done many interviews, but he still couldn't use to it.
"This is a big event for you I suppose.. three weeks ago Strangers won at the Grammys the best album of the year, by the way congratulations! And now you're here.. So what do you think about it?" the moderator asked him with excitement.
"To be honest.. it's really crazy. Half year ago we debuted our first album and somehow this album went worldwide and we won Grammy. Everything what has happened to me and to my boys feels like a dream. Also that I'm standing on this red carpet is insane, not to mention that we're going play on the main program tonight." Harry was trying to smile.
"I think you should quickly use to it.. Strangers are raising at the music charts very quickly, some people even think that you're a new Coldplay.." the moderator was teasing him.
Harry gave him surprised look.
"Well.. this really surprised me.. I mean, it would be awesome to be such a great band as Coldplay one day.. but I don't think we're so good as them.." Harry said with laughing.
"You're amazing Harry.. but I think you're also very humble, don't you think?" the moderator laughed.
"Sometimes I really am.." Harry laughed "You know.. I just still cannot believe what is happening in my life.." Harry said kindly.
"Oh.. look at him, such sweet boy! So tell us something about you. How you became a musician? People are curious about you.. they just wanna know everything.." the moderator said with laughing.
"I'm from UK, I live in London and I've started singing and playing the guitar when I was five years old. I'm also playing the piano." Harry smiled.
"So.. you're very talented.. but we already know that.." the moderator laughed. "Tell us something what we don't know about you.." the moderator was teasing him.
"Alright.." Harry laughed. "I love cats, I'm christian and three years ago I met my boys and we created Strangers. After one year we started playing at the night clubs and bars." Harry said honestly.
"Interesting.. So I have one question from your fan and the question is if you have a girlfriend?" the moderator asked him with excitement. Harry gave him surprised look.
"No.. I don't.. I haven't met the right person yet.." Harry laughed. He lied a bit. He met her. But she already forgot that he exists.
"You and single?! You must be kidding me!?" the moderator was surprised.
"I'm not joking.. I really don't have a girlfriend.." Harry said with laughing.
"Alright Harry.. I don't want to delay you more.. I hope you'll meet your girl soon. So the last question at the end.. Do you have any favorite actor here tonight?" the moderator smiled at him.
Harry started thinking.
"Of course I have.. I really adore Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones.. and I don't know.. all the ladies who are here tonight are very talented, so they have my admiration too.." Harry said kindly.
"What a gentleman. I hope you'll meet them tonight.." the moderator said with laughing.
"It would be really cool.." Harry smiled at him.
"So Harry, thank you for your time.. it was really nice talking with you.. Good luck on the stage.." the moderator smiled at him.
"Thank you.." Harry nodded. Then the cameras turned off.

"It was nice to meet you Harry.." the moderator came to him and he offered him a hand. Harry shaked it.
"You too Jimmy." Harry smiled at him. He suddenly felt vibration in his pocket.
"See you soon Harry.." Jimmy smiled at him and he left. Harry took his phone from the pocket and looked at his lockscreen. It was a message from Michael, he was their agent.

M: Come to backstage for 15 minutes.. don't be late

Harry read the message and then he realized that he is still on the red carpet and all paparazzi are taking photos of him. He slowly raised his head and he was trying to smile, but some voice interrupted him.
"Harry come here!" Jordan shouted at him. He turned to the direction of the voice and he spotted his band standing in front the photo wall. Harry didn't wait any longer and he went towards them.
"Finally.. we thought that we won't have any photo with you because of that interviews.." Adam said with laughing. Harry stood up next to them.
"Believe me.. I don't like it too.." Harry laughed.
"Boys smile!" the paparazzi shouted at them. They all started smiling.
"Okay.. I think we'll have certainly at leats one hundred photos, so we can finally go.." Vincent said honestly.
"Agree.." Jordan said with laughing.
"Michael send me message that we should go to the backstage.." Harry looked at them.
"Yeah, we know. So let's go then.. I really don't want to smile like a fool any longer.." Adam stated. Harry nodded, but then he heard a big noise from the fans and paparazzi and he immediately turned his head to the direction of the noise. Then he spotted her. His heart suddenly stopped beating for a while. He didn't know she will be here. He couldn't believe it. He was shining from the happiness. She was even more beautiful than before.

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