First Battle

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They had almost made it to Te Ora.

Trollex caught Maui looking at him, "What?"

Maui explained, "I figured it out. You know the ocean used to love when I instantly grew coral and created a reef. 'Cause your ancestors would travel the seas and find them. All those new reefs, new villages... It was the water that connected them all. And if I were the ocean, I think I'd be looking for, a... green-haired... young prince... to start that again."

Trollex smiled, "That is literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Probably should've saved that for Te Ora."

He said, "I did."

He then pointed out their destination, "Prince Trollex of Techno Reef...I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great ocean. It's time."

Trollex gave Maui the heart.

Just then, rumbling could be heard for afar.

Up ahead, they saw moving lava.

Maui prepared himself for the upcoming events.

Trollex said to him, "Go save the world."

Maui shapeshifted into a hawk and went ahead with Trollex watching with encouragement.

But, a fireball was blasted at him!

He was able to dodge it, but then came another!

And another!

It was a whole meteor shower!

Maui was able to get past it, but before he made it past the barrier...

There she was...Te Mate!

She quickly hit Maui out of the sky.

Trollex watched with horror, "Maui!"

He then had Echo speed towards the battle to try and help.

Maui was able to grab the heart and his hook while falling and shapeshifted again.

Only to be hit again.

He landed in the water and shapeshifted into a shark and swam back towards Echo.

Trollex steered Echo out of the way of the flying fireballs.

When Te Mate noticed him, she put her hand on a rock, only for it to break and have her hand submerged in water, causing it to go out.

When Maui got back onto Echo, Trollex looked around the scene and saw an entry way past the barrier.

He motioned Echo to go for it.

Maui shouted, "What-What are you doing?"

"Finding you a way in!"

Maui looked at the entry way, but then back at Te Mate, "We won't make it!"

"Yes, we will!"

"Turn around!"


"Trollex, stop!"


Just then, Te Mate was about to hit them.

Luckily, Maui used his fishhook to shield them.

But, that resulted in a huge blast that roughly sent Echo, Trollex, and Maui far away from Te Mate.

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