Is There Something You Want To Know?

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Trollex and TBDB were back inside the reef flat on their faces.

TBDB was now crazy scared of the edge, and Trollex saw he scraped one of his fins.

Just then...

"Whatever just happened, blame it on the button."

It was King Current.

Trollex tried to hide his scrape, "Grandpa."

Current already knew about the scrape and examined it.

Trollex asked, "Are you gonna tell Dad?"

Current answered, "I'm his father. I don't have to tell him anything."

Trollex looked back at the edge and said, "He was right. Going out there was a mistake. It's time to place my stone on the mountain."

However, Current just said, "Ok. Well then, head on back. Put that stone up there."

He then went to a group of sea turtles and started dancing with them.

Trollex was a little confused, "Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it?"

Current answered, "You said that's what you wanted."

Trollex said, "It is."

When he slowly started swimming back, Current said, "When I die, I'm going to come back as one of them. Or I chose the wrong pendant."

Trollex was really confused, "Why are you acting so weird?"

Current said, "I'm the town's crazy man. It's my job."

Trollex then said, "If there's something you want to tell me, you should just tell me."

Current continued dancing.

Trollex then asked, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Current asked him, "Is there something you want to know?"


Trollex and Current both swam along the edge of the reef.

Current told him, "You've been told all of our peoples' stories. All but one."

He took Trollex to the entrance of a hidden cavern.

Trollex asked, "What is this place?"

Current answered that with a question, "Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?"

Trollex looked at the entrance, "What's in there?"

Current answered, "The answer to the question you keep asking yourself; Who are you meant to be? Go inside, bang the drum, and find out."

Trollex went into the cavern alone.

He was amazed at what he saw.

It was full of old exploration gear.

Maps, backpacks, navigation tools, and more.

And on the cavern walls were paintings that told stories.

He then saw a drum.

"Bang the drum."

He did just that.

It was quiet.

He banged again.

This time, another bang echoed.

He banged one more time.

He gasped as the cave started to glow.

He also heard voices talking in a native language.

He looked at one of the cave paintings.

As he looked at it, he then saw a vision.

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