Chapter 2

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"Raita-kun, Hatsune-san congratulations on getting married!".  "Now now... even if you say congratulations the ceremony's tomorrow. We didn't get married yet". "Come on. Tonight's the eve of our marriage After the wedding's over we're going to our honeymoon after that" "Y-yeah"  "Yo! You two! I'm envious". Mouri-san said smiling. "Yo! It's been a long time Mouri".  "So, this person is that famous detective?". "Yeah. A bad friend from high school, Mouri Kogoro".  "Nice to meet you. I'm Hatsune. Then the three beside mouri-san must be...". "Nice to meet you too I'm his daughter Mouri Ran". "Ugh... I'm his freeloader, conan". "We're looking after him because of circumstances". "I'm kudo (Y/N) the friend of ran-chan and the apprentice of Mouri-sensei nice to meet you" "The daughter of THE kudo yusaku and yukiko and the sister of THE kudo shinichi and the popular american detective !?" "Hehehe I am".  I said smiling nervously and rubbing the back of my neck. I'm still not used to the people complimenting me.

 "I heard that you two fell in love at first sight". Ran-chan said. "Yeah. I felt it was fate the moment I saw her". The man named banba said. "It felt like 'finally this is the one' ."  "moreover, our birth date, blood type, and circumstances are the same. Sometimes we can understand each other without communicating" " Wow". ran-chan said . I laughed in silence glancing at shin-chan who's giving an annoyed look. 

 "Thank you for waiting." A voice said and I turned to this new voice and see a man in his twenties with blond hair and dark skin. I can't really see his eyes because of the glasses he's wearing. Something is not right about this guy . Call it a detective's gut. He suddenly dropped the cake on bamba-san's pants." Oh sorry." The waiter said. "Jeez it got stuck on my pants". banba-san said. "Oh no you stepped on the cake". Hatsune-san said "I'm really sorry. Today's my first time working here". The waiter apologised. He did it on purpose. "be careful next time waiter-san". I said while staring weirdly at him . He noticed my staring and turned his head quickly. I told you something is weird about him. "Don't worry. Anyways, would you bring a rag for the pants". she winked."Y-yes! Be right back". He said and looked at me for a moment to find me still staring at him so he turned his head again and went running. Shin-chan noticed my staring and whispered jokingly " What did you fall in love with him at first glance like those two".  "There is something weird about this guy didn't you feel it?". I said serious. "Ah I noticed it too. Well we'll know sooner or later don't let it bother you". He said and I nodded. 

"Where are you going Hatsune ? Banba-san said "nail salon. I'm going to get bridal nail tips". "You don't have to. It's raining pretty badly". "I can't I made a reservation. besides, all the staff are females. So you don't have to worry". " I told you before but.. If you cheat on me, I'll make you pay". "That's my line honey . and they KISSED . Ew i cringed at the sight and ran-chan and shin-chan blushed hard. I found it very hard for me not tease them so I said smirking "Aree ran-chan do you want to kiss shin-chan like that too. I bet he wants to do that too". the two blushed even harder. "Stop it (Y/N)-chan you're embarrasing me". ran-chan said. Hahaha i really love it when I tease them about each other. "Hai hai just kidding". I said smiling at her and smirking at shinichi who whispered to me"Stop saying such embarrasing things onee-chan. "Tch you're no fun shin-chan. I said  then Hatsune-san went to the nail salon. "I'll go to the toilet a little bit ran-chan". I told her and she nodded.

When I went out of the toilet I see banba-san flirting with two women. even though tomorrow is his wedding day. Then I saw waiter-san approching him telling him that his phone has been ringing for while and then he takes his leave. I saw banba-san reading a text from his phone and then excuses himself to go to the toilet . Huh he made a call with another phone and he hung up quickly? so I guess the person he's talking to is in the toilet. I saw waiter-san looking at him so I took this chance and went to him. 

"Yo waiter-san what are you looking at ?". I said smiling. " Ah it's nothing . Do you want to order something miss ?". I sighed . I don't think I'll be able to spill some information from him.                 "Bourbon please". I said tiredly. I didn't get much sleep last night because I spent all day getting my apartement done. He noticed it and said. " Are you okay miss you seem tired?". He sensed it ?Not bad. "Aree waiter-san are you worried about me? I might fall for you ya know". I said smirking and hiding my tiredness. He seemed nervous so I said laughing and putting my hands behind my head "Im just joking. Takuu why is everyone taking me seriously when I joke." "Maah I'll be waiting for the bourbon don't spill it on me "accidentally" like you did with banba-san". I added smirking  and I swear I saw a smirk on his face too . " Hai be right back miss" . 

I put a hand on his shoulder and then walk to the table we're sitting in and took my place. Then I saw a man with sunglasses leaving the restroom and taking a seat . Oh it must be the someone banba-san is meeting with. He then called waiter-san for a bourbon with rocks. At least he has a good taste. And then banba-san went out of the toilet and accidentally bumped into waiter-san. " Watch where are you going stupid!" banba-san said "S-sorry sir!" He tched and waiter-san looked at in the corner of his eye like he's watching him. I knew it he's hiding something.

"Hey, this party is also your high school reunion right?" Shin-chan asked. "Yes, it seems the bride had her own party on a different day". Mouri-san said."Then is this guy who's wearing sunglasses your classmate?" shin-chan asked again. He already found about him . He's really my brother hehe . "Huh ? huum... Naah I don't remember. Its has been 20 years". He said.. So he doesn't know anything about him. I didn't expect him to remember tho.                                                                                           

I saw waiter-san walking torward our table with the bourbon but banba-san bumped into him again and they fell causing the glass to  break. "Hey what are you doing". a waitress said. "No.... this costumer suddenly attacked me. Are you okay?" waiter-san said. "Don't touch me". Banba-san said and hurt his hand with the broken glass . His friends began to scold him about drinking too much but he didn't listen. Then he called someone who I knew after that was hatsune-san. He said " Where are you? Goodbye?What are you saying?Hey... Hatsune? Hatsune?! Where are you now?" Then we heard an explosion from the parking and we saw a burning car. Banba-san said "could that be... Hatsune's?" My eyes widened at the last statement. I jumped from my seat and yelled at ran-chan "Ran-chan call the fire station, ambulance and the police quickly". I said while running to the car with Mouri-san and shin-Chan.

So this is chapter 2 I hope you liked it <3                                   

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