[One-shot #2] (Mercy x Reader) Sleeping aid

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Greetings again. I'm sorry for the quality of this one-shot. I just felt I couldn't well even if I started again and I wanted to get something out for people to read plus I didn't want to be left empty-handed as I've used two sleepless nights into writing this. Oncoming one-shots will be much better in quality as they won't be written by me who is sleep-deprived.

I hope you enjoy this one still.

(WARNING: There are mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and depression. There is also some cursing.)

Word count: 1388


The night was again quiet like it always was. Only the members around of Overwatch were agents who had their duties to fulfil during ungodly hours of the day. Moon had already risen into the black sky, glowing brighter than any star.

"Fuck me," you whispered while sitting on the cold roof of Overwatch base. The weather was getting slowly colder, but you didn't care. You could always go back later. You had the entire night for yourself, like always. You hated how your difficulty of falling asleep was getting worse again. You had had enough of it. You just wanted to be like your teammates, to be mentally stable and sleep during the night. But you couldn't. You can't stop your never-ending nightmares which have resurfaced after the latest mission you were on; you fear to close your eyes after almost losing a few of your close friends.

You feel helpless as you try to control your wildly spiralling thoughts. You can feel the anxiety coming back to claw in your chest, trying to choke you. Your mind plays multiple scenarios of how the mission could have ended, how many ways you could have lost your friends. With every possibility, you can feel your heartbeat rise and before you know it, your heart is hammering hard against your chest, almost like it is trying to break out of there. You could still hear your friends' screams of agony and feel their blood on your callous hands as you carried them to safety.

You feel the anxiety choking you harder, you can feel your throat closing. How small tears are forming in the corner of your eyes, how your breathing starts to turn into hyperventilation. You hate how vulnerable you are, you hate it. You just want to wake up from this nightmare, but you are too scared to bother people with this. Others have never complained about their problems to you so why would you do it? For crying out loud, you are an Overwatch agent. You aren't supposed to be this helpless, right?

Closing your eyes, you try to calm your hammering heart. You try to fight against the possible horror scenarios, that your mind is creating at an impressive speed, but failing as you realize you could have lost your Angela, the most important person to you. Your fists clench harder as you see Angela getting shot in your mind. How her eyes would lose its glimmer until it is only blank nothingness.

Too deep in your thoughts, you failed to realize that someone had come to the roof with you until the person grabbed your shoulder gently, pulling you out of your thoughts. The contact makes you jump slightly; opening your eyes you notice two blue orbs peering back at you, worry glowing from them.

It takes you a while to recognize the eyes. It was your Angela, your angel, still in her work clothes.

"What are you doing here, liebling. I've been worried about you. Is something wrong?" Her voice sounds like music to your ears. She sits down next to you, snaking an arm around you as she waits for your answer. You break the eye contact with her as you are hit with the embarrassment of making her worry.

You must look horrible in her eyes, even worse than she looks sometimes after a long day of work. You had horrifying eye bags under your eyes after many sleepless nights. You press a little bit more into your warm girlfriend as you try to gather the confidence to tell her the truth.

Overwatch one-shots and imagines (Overwatch ladies x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now