I wish I had coffee

Start from the beginning

"Your time starts...now." 

Maxima immediately starts writing. Professor Snape sat the desk in front to keep an eye on her. It was an exam after all. The total time offered to her was 4 hours since it contained all the spells and theory from the first year to fourth. One hour for each year. Maxima was no perfect student, she thought, she could never memorise things as fast as the toppers in her year who seemed to remember things word for word. But she could make do, she always did, her teachers also complimented this quality of hers in front of her...previous guardians. And so Maxima wrote.

After the written exam, was practical. Professor McGonagall took Transfiguration and Charms. Hagrid was nice enough to set up an exam for Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Snape took Potions, DADA and Herbology. 

After the exams, it was time for dinner and as she sat at the table, alongside Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid and Dumb-ledore. It was a weird thing as her nerves were frayed and she didn't have Perfect Child mask up and she swore she could see Professor Snape smirking. The three professors seemed to be content in the silence so she latched onto Hagrid's invite to talk. He seemed glad to have a chance to talk about his animals. She asked about Poseidon and Fang. 

"Oh, they're getting along great. Yer Poseidon 'asnt been any trouble at all! If I didn't know better, " Hagrid paused to give a small wink, "I'd say 'es your familiar!" 

Maxima's eyes went wide, "Is he really? Oh, I always wondered why he seemed so..." Maxima paused and tilted her head, "mindful? Maybe? I thought all dogs were like that! Wait till I tell Poseidon! He'll go crazy with delight!"

Hagrid laughed, " I bet 'e already knows, 'es a smart boy. How're yeh feeling 'bout your exams?" 

Maxima shifted in her seat as she could feel eyes on her, she took a bite of food and swallowed it before answering, "Nervous. Very nervous," Maxima shook her head, "I was always more...artistically inclined."  She shifted again, "But then again, I had to uphold the family reputation, so I wasn't...horrible either," Maxima smiled up at Hagrid, "Though I'd like to say I did well." 

Hagrid chuckled, that must be a good sign. Oh, Hagrid was always nice, Maxima thought. She continued to listen to Hagrid and asked about different creatures and the topic came around spiders and Maxima full-body shuddered. "Spiders are just..." She did another shudder to specify her point. 

Hagrid patted her on the back which would have sent her flying face-first into her food if she hadn't braced herself, though she did bend forward a bit. "Yeh can't 'ave met any good ones then eh? They're alrig't."

Maxima smirked up at Hagrid, "Alright then, Introduce me to a 'nice' spider. Maybe I'll get over my phobia."

Hagrid looked a bit uneasy at that. HA! She knew everything. Aragog wasn't set to die until the year after this. Hagrid looked away, "Dunno what yer talkin' 'bout. 'sides, spiders aren't that scary."

Maxima set her chin in her hand and covered her mouth as she coughed. She muttered Aragog's name in between the coughs. Hagrid must have caught on because he paled a little. Maxima leaned back a little and looked up as she pleaded, "Come on! One visit? With you of course! I'll be extra nice!" Maxima batted her eyelashes for extra sweetness.

Hagrid's lip must have twitched cause his beard did. "Alrig't. One visit."

Maxima fist-pumped, "Yess!" and giggled a little. 

Hagrid continued, "After yeh get yer results, O' course."

Maxima let out a soft no and pouted before she smiled. She reached for the cup of water before frowning at it. She stared at it, come on Seamus tried to turn it into rum. Maybe it'll turn into Coffee. 

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