Alex spun on his heels. His eyes widened and he growled.

Thelma wiggled to squirrel free but the grip was as hard as a rock.

"What wrong? Am I touching something dear to you?" a familiar voice sneered.

Thelma leaned to her side to see the face of the man that held her. She cried when she caught sight of Anthony Russo's smirk.

He is here? Aargh!

"Let go of her!" Alex yelled through gritted teeth.

"Why are you so concerned? Can't your assistant dance with whomever she pleases?"

Thelma frowned and pinched his arm. "Let go!" she hissed.

His grip tightened and she gasped. She tried to loosen the grip but it didn't.

Alex clenched and unclenched his fists. He grabbed Thelma's hand and tried to yank her free from Anthony's grip.

When he noticed the tight grip Anthony had on her waist. He balled his fist and punched him at his face.

Anthony's grip loosened and Thelma ran to Alex. He gripped her waist and pulled her to his chest.

"Anthony! If you don't want things to get messy, stay away from my path and anything that links to me" Alex threatened.

"So..." Anthony gave a throaty laughter. "She is linked to you? Interesting!"

"If you don't like your life and money, then touch her" Alex concluded with a thunderous voice. He laced his hands in Thelma's and pulled her out of the hall.

"Aren't we staying for the party?" Thelma whispered.

"No! If Anthony is here, then I better leave. I don't want to do anything irrational" he said and banged the entrance door open. The paparazzi were back on their feet, taking everything shots they could.

Soon, Thelma and Alex were back in the limousine. And awkward silence was between them.

A smile crawled on Thelma's lips. She bowed her head so that her hair could cover her face. She was happy to know that Alex would defend her. She was happy that she was linked to him and she felt that there was a chance she could also be dead to him.

After a long and silent drive, the driver called out "Sir, we are here!"

"Okay!" Alex replied and glanced at her. Thelma smiled.

"Thank you!"

"For what?"

"Hmm...Defending me!" she looked at her silver heels as if she found something important on it.

"You don't need to thank me. Anthony did it to get to me. I guess he knows that you are dear to me" Alex muttered and his brows knotted.

"Dear to you?" Thelma asked. She prayed that their conversation would lead to something she wished for. She crossed her fingers behind her back.

"Yes! You are!"

"Really? Why?" she inquired.

"Thelma!" he sat properly and faced her. "You are dear to me".


That's not all I wish to hear!

"Do you remember that day I told you about my father's death?" he asked.

"Yes! That day was your Father's death anniversary. You weren't happy with the memory of his death," she replied.

The memory swept into her mind. She sighed. He was in a bad mood that day. He had told her that his mother never cared for him nor his father. His mother was a gold digger. His parents had an argument one day. His mother was insisting his father signed a divorce paper. When his mother had stomped outside, she had walked into the road without looking both sides. A big truck drove with full speed to her direction. His father had jumped and pushed his mother away but he couldn't save himself. The truck had crushed him to his death. After his father's death, his mother had moved and forgot about his father and him. The memory was indeed painful.

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