fishyyy 🐟

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Jimmy's POV

it was around 7pm and i was lying down on my bed, trying to figure out how to finish 'the ass expander 2000' in time. I already packed everything i needed, but i couldn't fit 'the ass expander 2000' in it. Which made me a little sad. But it was still useable! sooo it would work if anything would go wrong.

 Not like something was going to go wrong.

 'anyway, i should probably get some sleep for the big day tomorrow' i thought. but before i could get ready to sleep, the taco-bell i ate last night just had to come out now. i quickly ran to the bathroom and yeeted myself onto the toilet. 

and bitch when i say this shit was explosive i really mean it. 



isjssjsjjwuhdhduhsbsjsn djdjs di plop *BbOOooMmm*

*vietnam war flashbacks*

after my vietnam war flashbacks i heard something in the toilet. i didn't know was it was, but as i was about to check i felt something yeet itself into my flat ass. as i was screaming in pain (probably cuz of the taco bell) i quickly grabbed 'the ass expander 2000'. and you may be thinking 'jimmy why tf did you bring the ass expander with you?!' shut up it was for plot smh. anyway, i used 'the ass expander 2000' to stretch out my 'you know what'. after i stretched out my 🕳 it was big enough for me to grab whatever logged itself in there. 

i pulled it out and... WTF NEMO?!?! what kind of crossover is this?! anyway i suggested freaking out wasn't going to help me in anyway. so i wiped my ass, put on my big boy pants and put nemo in a bag of water so i could curb-stomp him later. 

Nemo's POV 

the last thing i remember was swimming with dory and finding a weird pipe thing in the lake we managed to get into after the ocean got too polluted for me and my dad. surprisingly dory found her way there too! although she always forgets everything due to her short term memory loss. 

i lost dory when i found a pipe... but when i was swimming away from this yucky yellow water in the pipe i accidentally swam up this weird flesh hole 🕳 i was kinda confused so i swam up it. 

bad idea. 

someone was trying to get me out! then i heard them scream in pain. they stuck this weird machine into their ass, and it made their hole expand?! like damn, i didn't know it could do that. when the hole was big enough i was grabbed out of the ass. 

away from water i passed out. 

and now i'm here. 


jimmy is so out of character lol.

my friend helped me think of this chapter lmao the 'fish in ass idea' was his soo

(476 words)

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