summer plans 🥐

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Jimmy's POV 

i was working on my brand new experiment called 'the ass expander 2000' yes, i know what you're thinking 'jimmy why tf would you need that?' well it's simple, i don't. It's for Carl. 

Him and Sheen have been going out for a while now, and Carl just want's to spice up their relationship a bit. So me being a good friend, decided to make one for him. well, i mean it's not like he really needs 'the ass expander 2000' he's already packing enough cake.

 but if he want's to look like the Kardashian's then he can, i don't really care. 

(this time-skip is brought to you by the 6 kids in my basement) 

i was almost done with 'the ass expander 2000' when my mom called me downstairs. "Jimmy come down here!" "coming mom!" i yelled. 

when i made it downstairs i saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch, With the face that said 'mate wtf are these grades you dumb cunt' but it wasn't about my grades for obvious reasons. 

"Jimmy come here we need to talk about something important" my dad said with a serious tone in his voice. "o- oh okay" i stuttered as i sat down next to them. "your father and I have decided that you need to go outside more. ever since summer started you haven't even left your room once." my mother said. 

"but- I" "Jimmy we have already arranged for you and Carl to go on a fishing trip tomorrow." my dad said as he cut me off. "but i can't!" i shouted. "and why is that?" my mother questioned. "because I- I have to finish my experiment!" i shrieked. "Jimmy you had the whole summer to finish it, but what were you doing the whole time? you were jacking off to gamer girl bath water. Plus it wasn't even the girl you were jacking off to, it was ThE WaTEr!" my father shouted in disgust. 

at that moment i knew i lost. there was no one that could save me now...

"fine, i'll go." i mumbled


this was hella short but i don't have enough brain cells to write more. 

btw does anyone know how to shut up 6 kids that are trying to escape you're basement? just asking for no reason at all.😌

(392 words)

fishing for love (dory x jimmy neutron)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora