0. writers note...

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hi~ this is my first story i'm writing so i'm sorry if i make any mistakes. i will try my best and give it my all in hopes that at least a few people read and like my story! english IS my first language so if i make any mistakes that is totally on me!! dont be shy to comment any feedback that you may have 😊

this story takes place after they leave the waterfalls halfway through ep. 13 (3/4) and will most definently be a fluff!! (sorry to all the smut fans out there)

so i am writing down all of my ideas as i go with no end in mind so i will probably write til' i am happy with the ending or just until i have milked my brain dry of ideas ^^

i am still trying to figure out my posting schedule on here but i would like to try writing maybe twice a week just depending on how people react to this...

also i am not extremly familiar with the thai language so the most i will do is maybe a small p'win here and there..sorry

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