A Different Way (Lyric Inspired)

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A/N - Part two of a oneshot inspired by the song A Different Way by Lauv. (Lyrics in italics)

A Week Later

Today is Amelia and I's two year anniversary and I am nervous yet excited at the same time. I got a reservation at this really nice restaurant, I hope she likes it. She told me a couple days prior that I wouldn't need to pick her up so after I got ready, I went to the restaurant.

Since it's our two year anniversary, I got her a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers, sunflowers, and in the middle, a heartfelt note. I put a lot of time and effort into writing the note and getting the reservation so I really hope she likes it.

I arrived at the restaurant and I didn't expect it to be this fancy. Of course I have seen pictures and reviews but I never actually expected it to look so elegant. I walked inside and looked around. I look at the dining area to see many tables filled with people in nice suits and dresses laughing and enjoying their food, waiters swiftly making their way around the restaurant to attend to the next table, and a grand chandelier with many large crystals.

After observing everything around me, I surprisingly couldn't find Amelia. Eventually, I was greeted by the receptionist. "Name for the reservation?"

"Sean Lew," I reply.

"Table for two?" they asked partially confused, probably because I wasn't with anyone.

"Yes. My girlfriend is just running a bit late."

"Okay, follow me." They led me to a table then I had a seat and set the flowers off to the side.

A couple minutes later, the waiter shows up. "Hello, I will be your waiter for the night," they smile. "Would you like anything to drink?" They ask as they pour water into the glasses on the table.

"May I have some tea?"

"Of course." The waiter leaves to get my drink and I start to wonder about Amelia. She is normally never late to things like this, I guess she may be taking her time to get ready.

A few minutes later, the waiter arrives with my tea. "I'm sorry but if you don't mind me asking, what is the occasion?" the waiter curiously asked, setting down my tea.

"It is me and my girlfriend's two year anniversary and I wanted to make it special," I smile.

"Glad that we get to be a part of this special celebration," the waiter congratulates happily. "She must be a very lucky girl. This restaurant is the best in town. It's difficult to get a reservation so I'm glad that you got one."

"Yeah," I say happily. "I had to get this reservation a month ago because I wanted this moment to be perfect."

"I am delighted. Now would you like to wait for your girlfriend or would you like to order now?"

"I will just wait until my girlfriend gets here, thank you."

"Okay, call me over when you need me." I smile and nod as they walk away.

After waiting for a bit, I sent Amelia a text about dinner. An hour later I get a response.

Sorry I left you waiting for so long but I can't make it
I am so sorry
Can you come over tomorrow morning?
I need to talk to you

See you tomorrow
Love you

After that I never got a response. I was slightly upset because of how long it took me to plan this but now, I don't know what to do. The waiter must have seen the look on my face because they went to my table and asked, "is your girlfriend coming anytime soon?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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