Alone In Desert

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Riding off his horse and gushing away dust behind him ....Heartus with a desperate aim raided towards the mystery of the Dark Knight powers.He had passed the gates of Scotland and now he had reached at an unknown desert. He was very tensed about the place as the place didn't gave him good vibes.He got off his horse and looked all around but found no witness other than the sand.It was already night ...and Heratus irrespective of the direction continued his journey.It seemed that the Sisters of Faith were pleased on him as he found a village ...near by in this deserted area.Heratus decided to spent the night there.But as he was proceeding towards the village...he saw dark figures coming  all around him.After a moment he clarified himself that those were the robbers...they had very sharp swords in their seemed like they were ready to cut his head off.Heratus took out his sword and started fighting with them ....but one vs many was not a fair fight.He got attacked both from front and last unable to defeat so many one robber hit his head from the back and he fell down...the robbers were about to kill him...suddenly someone came on front of him to save him whose face was fully covered except the eyes...He recognised that she was a girl...and saw some instances of her fights and how beautifully she was using her sword....and then got senseless and fell down.It seemed like that her magical eyes mesmerized him.Then birds chirps and morning rays ..made him wake up .He found himself on a bed in a cottage.At first he got surprised and then remembered the incident that happened last night.That beautiful eyes were still flashing in front of his eyes.He was just going on thinking that the girl whose eyes are so beautiful would that girl thinking this he got down his bed and suddenly he heard a knock on his room's door.He started who can it be..when suddenly the voice came "I am the Mayor of this town pls open the door..".

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