Chapter 8

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It's been literally 2 weeks since I last saw and spoke to Chris, he texts me everyday saying that he hopes I'm okay and wishes that I'd stop ignoring him but I won't.. Not until I feel ready to speak to him again, which would probably be when I can hide any feelings that I have for him because I hate feeling this way.

I've been begging my parents to buy me PartyNextDoor tickets because I mean who wouldn't wanna see him ? That man is perfection and his voice... God took His time. From what I've heard though, they say his performance isn't that good and he relies on the crowd a lot. From what I've seen on the videos it just seems like he enjoys interacting with his fans but I won't know until I go see him for myself.

I lay back on my bed with my headphones in my ears with my eyes closed as the beginning of 'Thirsty' begins playing, quietly singing along with it, "Thirstaay baby bring it over here, thirstaaay baby bring it over here.. Chang chang gettin paid over here, Chang Chang getting paid over here..." I smiled widely when I heard his voice and began slow wining my hips. "I wanna kiss ya girl, I wanna kiss you girl.. I wanna love you. Am I moving tooooo fast ? Fuck thaaat." I sung aloud not caring about being heard.

I felt the bottom of my bed sink in letting me know someone was beside me, i automatically thought it was Milan coming to bother me because I was ignoring her as well but she had no idea why. I pulled my earphone out of my ear and spoke without opening my eyes, "I don't wanna talk to you Milan. Please get out of my room. Go find someone to entertain you cause I'm not in the mood."

"That's how you talk to your sister ? If I was your older brother I would knock the shit outta you for talkin' to me like yeen got no goddamn sense." Chris' voice rang through my ears and immediately made my heart flutter.

Although I wanted to nothing other than jump on him and kiss all over his face I kept my cool and sat up giving him an unbothered expression causing the smile he had on his face to disappear and a confused expression to replace it.

"You not happy to see me ?" He asked. "No." I said blatantly while scooting off of my bed to leave the room. He grabbed me by my arm gently once I walked past him, pulled me to him and placed his arms around my waist to keep my locked in front of him.

"You don't need to lie about it Milly, I know you did. Come lemme kiss it to make you feel better." He spoke in a taunting and teasing tone.

I glared at him and kept my arms crossed, he stood up stopping at my level momentarily then sudden and swiftly pecked my lips then stood up completely lifting me up by my waist and throwing me over his shoulder before I could even register what was going on knowing that I was still stuck on his lips being against mine.

I wiggled a bit trying to get out of his grip as he swung and gently pinched my legs while he walked us down the stairs laughing lightly at my mother telling him I was going to hurt him.

"Momma is alright if I kidnap Milly here ? She's been ignoring me and I think I have some making up to do." Chris asked my mother.

I began shaking my head frantically at her, telling her to say no but much to my dismay she gave him the go ahead and he carried me outside to his car, slid me in the passenger seat and quickly got over to the passenger side, I sat closer to the door with my arms still crossed and my eyes fixated out of the window even when he drove off and tried to get me to talk to him.

"You want some pizza ? Some Italian shit ?"

"Chris, why did you kiss me ? Why would you do some shit like that knowing that I like you a lot and knowing that it upsets me cause there's no way I could have you to myself until I'm of a legal age. Hell I probably won't even be able to have you to myself then cause I can Milan likes you too and when she likes something she makes sure she gets it, so PLEASE enlighten me on why you would do some shit like that. I'm literally begging you because I NEED to understand."

By the time I was finished my face was red as shit I'm sure of it because I felt the heat from it and I knew when I was upset or angry this is what happened.

"Calm down damn. It was a way to get you to stop ignoring me and simply put.. I see it worked. I told you a long time ago Emilia, I'm not stupid I know when you're lying to me. All that other shit you're talking is irrelevant and it don't matter to me so I won't even address it on that level. Now, do you want some pizza or not ?"

I slumped in my seat and pouted a bit before mumbling. "I guess."

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