Chapter 10

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"It was supposed to be a joke," Tonks whispered. She was sitting at the empty table with Remus and Sirius. The rest of the Order had disappeared from the kitchen. "It was supposed to be funny because Harry wasn't supposed to be here. I was just trying to have a laugh."

"It was an honest mistake, Tonks," Remus said gently.

Sirius didn't say anything, he was staring past Tonks, at the stone wall. "Where did you find the picture?" He asked suddenly.

"It-it was in this trunk in-in-in one of the bedrooms." Tonks stammered out. "I should have looked more closely, the glasses, they were different."

"And the eyes," Sirius added, he still wasn't looking at her. "James had brown eyes. Harry's are green like Lily's were."

"I really am sorry!" Tonks cried tears were leaking from her eyes now. "I didn't know."

"We don't blame you," Remus said softly, "but you have to understand, we haven't seen James in fourteen years. I miss him and Lily every single day, seeing you, as him, it brought back pain I hadn't felt in years."

Tonks put her face in her hands. "Please forgive me."

Sirius made eye-contact with Tonks for the first time. "You didn't mean any harm. There is nothing to forgive. But would you please leave me alone with Remus." There was no emotion in his voice as he spoke to her.

Tonks nodded feverishly and hurried from the room, knocking a chair over in the process. Once she was gone Sirius turned to Remus. Tears were flowing from his eyes.

"It's been fourteen years!" Was all Sirius managed to say before collapsing into sobs.

Remus was biting his lip to hold back his own tears. He put his hand on Sirius' shoulder, to comfort his friend or to hold himself steady was unclear.

"I know," Remus said in a hoarse whisper. "I know."

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