Chapter 6

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January 4th, 1976

"Why do you keep coming back?" Regulus questioned in a pained whisper.

"Because they ask me to," Sirius answered. "Because this is the only time I get to talk to you."

"You shouldn't put yourself through this just to see me. I'm not worth it," Regulus put a bowl of cold stew and a thick slice of bread down in his brother's desk.

"I can't leave you in this godforsaken house all alone," Sirius whispered. "Not on Christmas."

Regulus was a bit mad. "Yeah, and some Christmas you're having. Happy Christmas Sirius, here have a black eye and a split lip."

Sirius was holding a rag. It was stained from previous beatings. His black eye was being treated by a paperweight that Sirius had transfigured into a raw slab of beef. He was constantly wiping at the blood pouring from his lip. There were angry red marks underneath his nose where it had just stopped bleeding.

"Thanks for the food," Sirius mumbled taking the bread and devouring it.

"How long has it been?" Regulus demanded.

"Four days," Sirius shrugged. "Nothing I can't handle Reg."

This was the first time Sirius had eaten in four days.

"Run away," Regulus begged. "Please! They're hurting you, Siri."

"We're a family," Sirius said moving on to the stew. "I can't just leave."

"They are not your family and you know it. Don't think I haven't heard you talk about the Potters. They are your family, not us."

"You're my brother, Regulus," Sirius said softly. He put and hand on his brother's shoulder. "Nothing is going to change that."

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