Chapter 8: Empire Reborn

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In the days that passed, Silvanna realized how different her life had changed.

She spent many hours at her father's bedside. While Rafaela was doing her best, there had been no change to the health of King Aurellius II.

They had attempted to send word to King Estes from the Emerald Woodland to seek his help, but the enemies were too great and the elves needed to protect their own homeland first before they could come to the help of the Moniyan Empire.

They also still did not know if there were still enemies or spies in the Imperial Sanctuary, or who had sold her out.

Because of that, extra patrols and security were set up, particularly near Princess Silvanna, the remaining member of the royal family.

Alucard was often her constant companion, never leaving her side. He had served the Moniyan Empire for a long time, and if Tigreal had full faith in him, then she would too.

But Alucard was also needed elsewhere. Trainings, scouting missions, he could not always be with her. But whenever he was not around, the demon hunter seemed to have asked young Harith to be at Silvanna's side.

While the Leonin was usually a happy go-lucky sprite, she noticed moments where his eyes would darken, and he would withdraw into himself, perhaps thinking about the dark moments in the Dark Forest where his grandfather and family were killed.

So when Harith showed interest in her tomes and asked her a barrage of questions, she decided to surprise him by showing him the Great Library.

It certainly worked, when she watched his eyes open wide in excitement when he saw the rows and rows of tomes that held great knowledge. He spent days after that holed up in the library working on defensive spells for the empire to replace the Barrier of Justice.

Harith spent many more days after that reading at leisure in many hidden corners of the Library. The Leonins were oral historians, Harith told Silvanna once. They preferred to pass down their history to the next generation through speaking stories and songs instead of writing them down. For Harith to have found some kind of record about the Leonins in the Great Library was like allowing him to have a piece of himself back, knowing that his family would live on in these books.

It gave her satisfaction to be able to do something for this determined Leonin who was a true friend to the Empire.

As the days passed, Silvanna also noticed that when neither Alucard nor Harith were around, someone else would become her companion. She would look up and see the quiet marksman lingering nearby, or following her as she studied maps or sought guidance.

The quiet marksman who had rescued her in the town of Braidwood was slowly integrating with the Imperial Sanctuary and becoming accepted and liked by the other members of her Lightborn Squad.

Tigreal had given him restricted access to the Imperial Sanctuary grounds at first, still unsure about the trustworthiness of their new addition. But even he confided in Silvanna that he had become confident in Granger's ability and character.

Granger had been sent out on small missions with Alucard and Fanny. Each time the group returned, they had nothing but praises for the marksman.

"I've seen how that boy looks at you," Tigreal mentioned once, his arms crossed, his voice slightly teasing and slightly disapproving at the same time. Silvanna pretends not to know what he's talking about, but she can't help a smile from gracing her lips.

He looks at me?

Yes, she was constantly surrounded by people now. Since her royal birth, Silvanna was used to having people around. Privacy was something the royal family could never have, and that was something she was annoyed with sometimes.

But now Silvanna had her Chevaliers.

Granger and Alucard, who insisted on staying at the Imperial Sanctuary than the Monastery of Light due to the kidnapping and Abyssal attack. Harith, the incredibly smart Leonin who had lost his grandfather and family to the Dark Forest. Tigreal and Fanny, the brother and sister duo who have given so much to the Empire.

She had friends.


"Mind if I join you?"

Granger looks up from the book he was deciphering, music notes still in his brain till he realized he was being addressed by the Princess herself.

"Sure." he said, a little too late. The Princess had already settled herself down, not caring if she ended up with grass stains on her trousers.

"Are you practising?"

"Sort of. It's a new song for me."

"Can I hear it?"

Granger didn't hesitate. "Of course, Your Highness."

Silvanna relaxed as she looked around, noticing Alucard's curious staring from the other end of the courtyard.

Granger put the violin under his chin, and began to play. Silvanna recognised the quick lighthearted melody. He played on, almost oblivious to the dreadful wrecked notes emitting from his violin breaking the silence. Silvanna could see the servants wincing as they looked over in their general direction.

She tried hard not to smile, trying to maintain the calm regal air she usually portrayed.

Granger played the final chords, then looked at her.

"Another one, Your Highness?"

Silvanna opened her mouth, but her answer was drowned out by four other voices overpowering her.

"No, by the Lord of light's grace, please no more!"

"How do I summon magic earmuffs?"

"If you play that violin again Granger, I will run my sword through you!"

"I'd rather face a thousand demons than hear that again!"


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