Chapter 4: Home Defense

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The closer they get to the Moniyan Empire, the worse the sky looks.

Granger swallows heavily. The skies that are usually blue, were swallowed by purple and black. Silvanna looked up, clearly with the same thoughts, but neither one voiced them out. This could only be one thing.

The Shadow Abyss.

For years, the Land of Dawn had been at odds with the Shadow Abyss. Light versus Dark, neither one gaining an inch over each other.

But the demons of the Shadow Abyss were usually kept at bay. Strong demon hunters, mages and marksmen alike offered their services to drive away the evils that emerged from the Shadow Abyss.

But today, the sky looked as though the Shadow Abyss was threatening to burst forth, evil crawling out in every direction.

It was unnerving.

Granger was suddenly glad he had made the decision to accompany Princess Silvanna back. He still loved the Moniyan Empire. It was his home, after all.

Granger led Silvanna through the village. Now that he knew she was the Princess, he refused to let her out of his sight. So they were replenishing their supplies together, Silvanna dressed in her floor-length brown cloak to avoid suspicion.

Rather than the usual hustle and bustle, the villagers were talking to each other quietly, going about their business quickly. Trying to lay low, Granger and Silvanna walked quietly, not stopping to chat with anyone, until they heard someone say:

"Long live the Queen."

Silvanna shudders to a stop. Granger is immediately at her side, both alert. What? What had happened?

"Did you not hear the news?" a villager asks. "The Barrier of Justice was breached! Demons infiltrated the Imperial Sanctuary. King Aurellius II was badly injured. Her Majesty is... dead."

Under the cloak, Silvanna paled. She chokes on a gasp. Her mother... dead?

So that's why everyone is speaking in hushed tones with worried looks on their faces. It wasn't just the sky. The Moniyan Empire was leaderless.

Granger nudged her to keep walking. But her feet wouldn't move. He had to guide her around the waist gently till they got back to their carriage.

That was when she broke down.

Granger stood awkwardly as the Princess sat in the carriage and cried. He did not deal with feelings well. And with such bad news, he had no idea what to do.

But he couldn't just do nothing, could he?

Gently, he sat down next to Silvanna. And when she reached out for him, he didn't stop her as her arms circled around him.

"I lost my brother when I was eight..." she buries her face in her hands.

His own arms now wrap around her, as she cried for her family, now torn apart.

"I know," he whispers. "I lost my parents when I was a child." He regrets the words as soon as they're out of his mouth. Why did he say that? He usually doesn't tell people this bit of his life. And what was the point of him telling her? But Silvanna tightens her hold on him.

They sit like that for a while, until Silvanna breaks them apart. She wipes at her face, but when she speaks, her voice is strong and commanding again.

"We need to get to the Imperial Sanctuary immediately."

Granger nods, and they're about to set off, when he sees a movement from the corner of his eye. Huh?

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