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I walked to the foyer and opened the door as I saw Brittany in front of me holding her bags and luggage. "OMG, HI!" We broke into long hugs. "Come in, come in." I nodded as I helped her carry her luggage. "Baby I missed you so much." She smiled. Brittany was my bitch since elementary. Eventually, two years ago she had moved to Birmingham, Alabama. It had took me a lot of energy to convince her to come spend time with Lyndsay and I while she came back to Louisiana.

"Me too, mamas." I closed the door and looked at the living room. Italy was seated on the sofa, watching TV. "I done told you about this feet on my couch—you don't see a visitor?" I pointed back at Brittany as she waved. "Oh, Hi." Italy said deadly as she focused back on the TV. For some reason, she didn't like Brittany but that wasn't my business. How you not gone like somebody but don't know what they actually like?

I think another reason Italy was mad at me was because the fact that I made her get out of my guest room, so Brittany could sleep there, and now she was sleeping with me. Brittany was staying with me until she had enough money to buy her own apartment. She was still looking tho.

"Anyways," I looked at her luggage. "You can take these to the first door on the right." I pointed and she followed my directions. "Why is she even here again?" Italy mugged me. "Because, she is still looking for an apartment so she'll be staying with me for a while. So don't be rude." I sighed, explaining to her.

"So she poor or something? She don't look like it, she got a whole bunch of Louis—" "Italy, just be bequiet. And she's not poor, if you don't like it, then kick rocks back to ya momma house." I pointed to the door and she turned her gaze back to the TV not saying anything. That's what I thought. "You need any help?" I knocked on the guest room door, deciding not to go in.

"No, I'm fine." She yelled. This whole morning, I was tired as hell from what happened last night at the concert. Italy and Lyndsay had their fun, while I was just sitting there doing nothing. We had made a stop at Zaxby's and ate in the car, before driving home. Mind you, I arrived home at 1AM, well make that 1:30 AM, because we had to drop Lyndsay off first.

Today I left work early because I was so tired. Tanya—my mom's name—didn't believe me at first, but then I told her that I took Italy to the concert and she let me slide. But tomorrow, I had to work all for a good 6 hours. I had already turned in my assignments for class, because I didn't want to procrastinate too much, so I always did it the day the teacher told us about the assignments.

I had bought from seafood on the way here, because I knew Brittany liked seafood. Who doesn't like seafood? I made my known sauce and put it all on the table, setting everything up. "Ouuu, that's for me?" Italy walked over to the table grabbing the bag. "No," I swatted her hand. "That's for me. Yours is over there." I head nodded.

"But...but...there's not enough crab legs for me." She gave me a sad look. I groaned, ignoring her comment. "Well make it enough." "I'm guessing that's for your friend." She glared at the bag in the middle. "Of course." I walked back into the kitchen and she followed me. "I personally just think she's fake." Italy crossed her arms. "Girl what? How is she fake?" I really wanted to hear this kind of excuse. Italy lied about anything, and everything.

"Well, before she left to go to Alabama, I would always catch her—" "You bought SEAFOOD?" Brittany yelled from the hall and Italy jumped. "Be nice," I grunted and walked out the kitchen. "Yea, I wanted to give you a warm welcome." I shrugged sitting on the table with her as well. "Thank you, love." She kissed my cheek and gave me a squeezing hug.
I pulled out a chair for her and Italy sat across from us. "You look different, Italy!" Brittany smiled. Italy gave a fake-smile. "You do too, maybe it's the gut—" "Okay, I got the gloves!" I interrupted pulling out a box. She just had no mouth to be quiet.

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