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Ughhh do I have to .

...??: Yes there's not a choice Mel.

Oh man can I just-

...??: No get out NOW!!

Well yes I'm frustrated and tired so I decided not to get up , knowing my sister would wake me up early I locked my room and set a music timer so I couldn't here when she would break the door down.

I'v obviously lost to mali my 26 year old sister so what choice do I have .

Mali: come on Mel you gotta move faster the bell isn't gonna wait for you.

Melney: well they'll have to if they want a ruler for their kingdom .

Mali: stop playing Mel I told you not to stay up so late playing games .

Mel: hey be grateful my lovely sister I could be out doing drugs and posing for Instagram pictures.
Morning Kris.

Kris is mali's husband and father of her child

Kris: Morning Mel, are get scolded

Melney: mmm she's talking about me staying up with my friends and I'm opposing because normal teens .

Kris: Which your not

Melney: correct . Which I'm not ,i could be out doing drugs And posing and posting insta pictures of their half naked popped out boobs and half their a-

Mali: enough you imbeciles . Kris you should take Kelly to school now .

Kelly is their kid, she's 4 .

Kris: yes babe I just came for my goodbye kiss

Melney: sure you did Krissy boy.

Mali: Mel out now .

Melney: farewell my loyal court I'll lead myself to the door . Kiss kiss sis

Mali: *rolls eyes* drama queen much .


I'm in my humble abode. The place I visit more than the jewelery store across the corner . SCHOOL. Where all the idiots are I don't dislike the old place at all that much because these humans make it more easier for me, I feel hella smart here. I'm actually one of the top students here , yup my rotten brain full of guns , bullets, codes that can kill , and death can actually hold some good amount of human knowledge the teach.

...??:Hey Mel

Yes zaleya

Zaleya: why are you here

:Well hmm I don't know get some shit in my head . What about you, ain't you gonna get married soon.

Zaleya: hey smartass I asked because you weren't coming early.

: Well obviously my plan failed zy

Zaleya: obviously. what class do you have

: Eh umm. Social biology, I think we have a pop quiz or our finals test today

Zaleya: and you were about to stay home your crazy ass pekachu

:Aye don't blame me you know I would've gotten to write the quiz anyway, that's why excuses were invented miss z

Zeleya: yeah yeah whatever.

THE UNKNOWN...629Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin