Would You Rather

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⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ slight cussing and spoilers!
Nobodys Pov.
Au- At the Roadhouse

"Hey yall! Let's go to the back where we can have a more private game." Jo said as Charlie, Dean, Cas, Gabe, Sam, and Crowly came into the Roadhouse. "Ok!" They all course. So they all walked to the back room that Jo normaly went into to do her homework but because it was Saturday they decided to use it as a game room. Once everyone was seated they started the game. "So who is gonna go first?" Dean asked. "I will! Would you rather kiss your crush or date your crush?" Charlie exclaimed. "Date." They all courased "Why? Sam please answer for me." Charlie asked with her best teacher impersonation that caused everyone to laugh. "Well I would date my crush so I could kiss him whenever I wanted to." Sam replied then realized that he said him and started to semi panic. "Ooooooo Sammy has a boy crush!" Dean teased playfully. Sam just glared at him as Gabriel was clearly happier now knowing that Sam wasn't straight. "Anyway! Woudl you rather confess who your crush is to us right now or pay me $5 and you all have to pick one and do it!" Sam said smugly. "Oh s***'s" where heard all around the table. "Here is $5 Sam" Crowly said while handing Sam the $5. "Thank you, anyone else or are you all gonna say who you like?" Sam asked. "Lets go in a circle starting with Cas and ending at Crowly who doesn't have to do anything ok?" Jo asked. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Dean." Castial whispered. "Samsquach." Gabe said happly as he looked at Sam who was blushing. "Jo." Charlie said proudly. "Charlie." Jo said while sending a wink in Charlie's direction. "Cas, your turn Sammy." Dean said still blushing slightly. "No I don't have to do it because I made the would you rather." Sam stated matter-of-factly. "Whatever, Would you rather have ME tell you all who Sam likes or have Sam tell you who he likes?" Dean asked everyone with an evil glint in his eyes. "You!" They all said except Sam who said "Me! You will be all dramatic about it!" "Sorry Samantha, you had your shot. Sam likes a boy that if they get together their shipname would be Sabrial." Dean said while grinning like a mad man when the girls squealed, Crowly rolled his eyes but had a small smile, Gabe looked ecstatic, and Cas looked like a cute confused puppy. Just then Gabriel tackle hugged Sam and sent them both to the floor with a loud thud causing everyone else to laugh. Once everyone settled down and Sam and Gabe had sat back up and Dean gave Gabe a look that said "We are gonna talk later" so Gabe nodded. "Would you rather go and watch a movie cuddled up with our crushes and probly get together or continue the game?" Cas asked slightly shocking everyone that HE of all people asked that question. "Keep playing, I dont want to go to Hell yet." Crowly joked. "Ok, then let's keep playing!" Charlie said happly. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Would you rather own a Hell Hound or go to Hell with Crowly?" Jo asked. "Hell Hound." Sam and Cas said while Gabe and Jo said "Hell with Crowly." And Charlie said "Both!" While grinning. "I already own a Hell hound and I'm the King of Hell so I already have both and I would take you three down to Hell with me next time I go but I would rather 1) keep you as friends and 2) have you all not be scared for life at what you see." Crowley said seriously. They all just stared at him slightly shocked but then started laughing. "Anyway, Would you rather be an angle or a demon?" Charlie asked. "Angle." Gabe and Cas answered together as Crowly, Dean, and Sam said "Demon." (Please don't hate me 😅) And Jo and Charlie said "Neither." They all then looked at Sam and Dean with shocked faces exsept Crowly who was looking smug. "What?" The boys asked together. "I never thought you would say Demon?! I really put you both as good guys!" Charlie laughed. "So, I guess I'm into bad guys now." Gabe said under his breath while chuckling. "Would you rather be immortal or die 5 times every Tuesday until you die naturally?" Gabe asked. "What the Hell kind of question is that?!" Dean asked. "I dont know it just came to my brain so I said it out loud." Gabe replied. "Die every Tuesday." Everyoen said together. "Wow, well ok." Gabe said slightly shocked. "Well if we where immortal then we would have to watch all of our family and friends die and also see how horrible earth ends up being! I heard that Trump is gonna run for president!" Sam exclaimed. That caused Charlie to gasp loudly and everyone else laugh loudly. "Would you rather have all of the monsters in the books that we all read be real and us all have to fight them and become Hunters or have us still live in this old boring life?" Dena asked. "Become Hunters!" They all yelled exsept for Crowly who just rolled his eyes and said "I could make that happen if you really wanted to but according to a little bird if I did let that happen then Jo, Charlie and Gabe all die, Dean, Sam, and Cas die multiple times but come back, Sam gets posessed by Lucifer and an angle, Cas and Gabe are real angles, Jo and Charlie come back as sprits, Gabe comes back from the "dead" 3 times before really dieing, Dean becomes a real demon and has a cursed mark, and their mom dies in a house fire while Sam gets demon blood in him but she comes back. That is just a tinny bit off what would happen, there is SO much more that if it where a t.v. show then it would be at least 15 seasons with 21 episodes per season." Crowly said with a dead serious face. They all looked shocked and slightly scared. "Never mind then, I like this universe just fine if we get to live." Jo said while hugging Charlie. Sam, Dean, Gabe, and Cas where still just stairing at Crowly like he had black eyes. "Wow." They all said then turned to look at each other. "So I am NEVER going to allow that to happen as long as I am king of Hell ok?" Crowly said trying to lighten the mood a little. "Good idea!" Sam said. "So do you all wanna go watch a Disney movie so we can have something happy to think about?" Jo asked. "Yes! Can we watch Rapunzel? I think Dean looks like her and Sam looks like Flin." Cas laughed. "Yes!!!" Charlie laughed as they all walked over to the t.v. to get the movie playing. "I think I'm gonna go and let you love birds have fun. I do have all of Hell to attend to so..." Crowly said while walking out the door. "Byeeeee!!!" They all yelled after him. So they all cuddled with their new boyfriend or girlfriend and watched Tangled while making comments on how they all need to own a frying pan and how much Rapunzel and Dean are alike.

That was an interesting chapter! Sorry if you read this and found out about spoilers that you didn't already knew.
1265 Words!

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