The Beginning of the End

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I raced along, my heart pounding out of my chest. 'Where the hell am I?' The question rang through my mind incessantly. As many times as I've been in the woods, I've never been here. I had never know of these small towns even though I spent a lot of my childhood out here. These creature attacking me are certainly new too. They were strong and it took a lot to take them out. Even with my metal bat it took several swings. I needed to find Leslie and we needed to get out of this place of hell. I guess I should be thankful for having chosen to visit my childhood friend. Otherwise, I would most definitely be dead. My chances out here aren't exactly good but at least I have something to work with.
My travel was difficult, the forest, now overgrown, was unmistakably treacherous. It was then that I tripped over a branch. "Fuck!" I had almost definitely sprained my ankle. Let's hope that was all that happened. Using the nearby tree, I was able to get up, trying my best to not scream out in agony. In the near distance, the sound of footfalls echoed through the trees. I tried my best to run, but to my dismay, I couldn't. I tripped again. This time, I couldn't get up. The pain had overtaken my body and it would not allow myself to get up. I had given up. A whoosh of air, and I prepared for the worse. A pale hand reached down to offer aid. "Here, let me help you." A deep, raspy voice called to me.

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