Special Chapter No. 2

Start from the beginning

Handong turned to her with a triumphant expression. "I told you I would take care of the money." She proudly held out a wad of notes, inviting Dami to take them.

Her expression turned distasteful as she came forward. "I hope you didn't steal this."

"You really think that little of me?" Handong completely turned around on the sofa to lean against the back and forced the cash into her hands. "I just did someone a favour."

"No one pays, what," She quickly counted the notes. "300,000 won for 'a favour'."

The confident smile stayed put. "Go and give this to the landlord, then I'll tell you everything."

Dami's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she sighed and left the flat again, staring at the precious money in her hand. No matter how Handong had got the money, she was going to give it to the landlord.


Wasting no time, Dami soon appeared back at their flat, ears freshly ringing with the grievances of the landlord. How she wished they could move, but if they had barely enough money to pay that month's rent, then they could never afford to move.

Handong was still sat on the sofa, watching some sort of spy thriller.

"So?" She started with crossed arms as she moved in front of the television. "Where'd you get the money?"

"Did he accept the money?"

Dami sighed harshly. "Yes, he did. Now where did you get the fucking money from?"

"I killed someone." Handong locked eyes with her, sparkling with cheer and anticipation as she grinned like she'd said something funny.

The woman fixed her with a stern look, waiting for Handong ro say she was joking. When she didn't, a sick feeling thumped her in the gut and she blinked rapidly with a shake of her head. "What the actual fuck? You killed someone?"

"Uh-huh." Handong paused the television and picked at her red nail polish.

"Why are you so casual?" She yelled at her. "You've just murdered a person!"

"They deserved it, babe." Handong rose to her feet confidently.

"That's not the point." She rebutted angrily. "You could go to prison for this kind of shit. Who was the favour for?"

"Just some friend of mine, you don't know them." The woman conveniently ignored her first point and she frowned. "I mentioned I needed money quick and they gave me a solution."

Turning away from her girlfriend, she put her hands to her face as her mind raced with thoughts. The first of which was shock at Handong's blase attitude to murder. What was this side of her love she had never seen before?

Taking her time, Dami strode to the kitchen and filled a glass with water, sipping it slowly. "Let me get this straight. We needed money quickly. So you talked with a friend, who offered you money if you killed someone for them?"

"Completely right. They said they'd give me more money for my next kill."

"Next kill?" She faced her in disbelief, slamming the glass down on the table. "You're thinking of killing another person?"

"It pays, Dami." Handong raised her shoulders in a slow shrug. "C'mon, when we get enough money, we can move out of this dump, buy stuff we've always desired..."

Her expression faltered at the thought of money and the power to buy what she wanted. The power to live her life as she wished, rather than to live in the power of the need for money and never having enough.

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