Tag 90

101 12 115

Heeelllo frens, welcome back to a new tag, fresh from the oven
So fuckin fresh, it hasn't even been done yet, technically

And I got the urge again to do that intro with my Welsh alter-ego, but nah

Anyway, this tag is brought to you by... Crazy Lazy Mazey. Probably.
Thancc -CrazyMazey :P

Thancc -CrazyMazey :P

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1.) Do I care what others think of me?
Cus' I don't care what people think of me,
I'm fucked up as it is,
But we got so much time to kill
And so many things to see~

In short, I do care, but not too much. I care more about what the people close to me think of me, but with strangers, I'm not too bothered. Though I still just try to give off the friendly vibe

2.) Middle name?

Middle names are weird

3.) Favourite sport?
I don't really do competitive sports like football and cricket and stuff, I do things like mountain biking, climbing, swimming, surfing, walking, etc. Buuut I think my answer for this question is mountain biking

4.) Best friend?
I don't pick favourites, I have many best friends

5.) Someone I couldn't live without?
Heh. There are quite a few

6.) Favourite nickname that people call me?
I have a lot of nicknames, I like most of them a lot tbh

Some people call me Sparrow, quite a few people call me Jackyboi, I like both of those the most tbh-

Some of my other nicknames are derivative of my surname, but that's just a thing with my irl friends

7.) Am I more cute or sexy?

Pffha nah, idk, you tell me

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Pffha nah, idk, you tell me

8.) What are my preferred pronouns?
You may refer to me as... damn I was really gonna come up with a cool sounding name, but nope, I got nothing

Hah but nah, I'm just a male dude, so like, He/him

9.) Have I ever been asked out?
Yup, a handful of times

10.) Do I believe in true love/soulmates?
Depends how you define it, I guess. I would say... maybe? People can get along really well, but even if something happens that a couple find difficult to resolve, or even if a mistake is made early on and bad habits arise from that, then it can push people apart over time, no matter what. Trust me on that

So what I'm saying is, I guess true love between people can exist, but it still has to be nurtured and looked after. Nothing is a certainty

11.) What are my top 3 pet peeves?
I'm British
Pet peeves are kinda my thing, we have endless things to complain about
It's impossible for me to pick a top three

But I will name 3

1.) When you're trying to sleep but your feet poke out underneath the bed covers
2.) When your chair and keyboard are really loud at 2am and you're in a constant state of anxiety of waking someone up
3.) When you're wrapping something up in tinfoil or something to put it back in the fridge but the tinfoil rips, meaning you've got to go and get the roll of tinfoil back out of the drawer and wrap up the food *again* and hope it doesn't rip again

12.) Do I consider myself an emotional person?
... Mmyes

13.) Words I say often?
'Ah, Christ'

14.) A picture of myself?
Alright, yet another one-

I knooow, that one was actually a pic of my face, had to actually scratch it out

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I knooow, that one was actually a pic of my face, had to actually scratch it out

15.) My favourite picture of another person?
Uhh... don't know?

16.) Favourite hobby?
Hmmm, probably just making content out of stuff

17.) Role model?
Like I've said before, I look up to many other talented streamers, youtubers and such

18.) Who is the best person I personally know?
... Well damn, this is some question
I couldn't choose the best person I personally know, since that'd kinda be like me picking favourites. Besides, everybody is made up of many strengths and weaknesses, all with their own qualities and skills.

19.) Crush?
Welp, for a minute there, I thought I got away with a tag without it asking me this, but nope

Again, idk, little bit complicated, stop asking

20.) Tag 20 people
... I'm gonna be honest with you, it's a little late, and... I'm too tired to tag 20 people, sorry ^^'

But please, go do this tag if you want to. Consider it passed on from yours truly.

This was a pretty good tag actually, I've got some more to do soon too
As always, come collect ur cookies 🍪🍪
Yes, I'm inspired to keep giving out cookies, people seem to like it xD

Anyway, thank you guys for reading as always! Look after yourselves, be good to eachother, and I will see y'all in the next one

See you around,
~ Wanderer

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