The Battle begins

Start from the beginning

"Could you tell me more about it?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious to everything. It seemed that he even disregarded my previous statement of being his grandchild.

He smiled and stepped closer, the sword making me rile in disgust, but I kept my cool and kept up the facade.

"You seem to be not like all the others, always wanting something for themselves. Instead, you've come here to see me just to ask a question. I will gladly tell you about this sword."

He held the sword in both hands, the red streak facing us. I could feel everyone's energy spike in anger and disgust, just like I was feeling.

"This sword has been in the Teshiri clan, an ancient sword formed by the first Teshiri clan member. It is meant to be a symbol of power for Teshiria." He explained, making me hate him even more.

"Then, tell me... how did this sword gain a red streak in it?" I asked, my facade slowly fading.

He looked down at the red streak and his face scrunched up in anger.

"This was once a beautiful, stainless white blade, until it was sullied with a traitor's sins." He said.

I finally let my facade disappear.

"So.... how did it feel when you tried to kill me with that sword?" I asked.

He staggered back at my sudden question, so much so that he almost dropped the sword.

The Teshiri clan members that were in the room with him began to whisper.

"What do you mean? I haven't tried to kill anyone." He claimed.

I glared at him with all the anger I had in my body.

"You are nothing but a pathetic liar!" I shouted, surprising everyone in the room, even my grandfather.

I pointed accusingly at him, "You say haven't tried to kill anyone, and yet the scar around my neck and back is from that blade! You banished my mother from Teshiria all because she went against your way of rule! Then, when she was finally happy with her life, you took her, her husband and her daughter back here. And instead of treating them fairly in a peaceful trial, you determined that all of them were traitors and enemies of Teshiria! Not only that, uou defiled the golden hall with your fowl intentions, then with that very sword you tried to kill me, a five year old child with no reason to harm you or any of the people on this planet! That red streak in that sword.... it is a symbol of your treachery to the Teshirian race! That red streak is my blood, staining the blade just like you stainijg the honor of the pure hearted Teshirians!"

My grandfather stood there shocked at what I said. He didn't move at all and just stood there like a frozen sculpture depicting fear and anxiety.

I saw his eyes trail down to my neck, nothing to hide my scar from being seen.

"So... it is true. You actually came back to defeat me." He said before looking up to face my friends.

"And you've brought other traitors and outsiders with you."

"I've brought friends and allies. I don't side with traitors." I quickly replied.

He glared at me, "And? Have you decided to make due on your promise?"

I nodded, "I will not stop until you are brought down, and Teshiria is free from your grasp. The first Teshirians wanted to spread our culture and bring peace and light to the universe. And yet here you, going so far as to place a time spell on the planet and hide the entire solar system inside of a barrier! You are selfish and cruel, I'd even go so far as to say that you're just as sick and twisted as Zarkon! I will rid this world of your grip, and I won't allow you to keep terrorizing the people here! I will take back the Clan seat. I will free my family from the Dark moon and give them the life they deserved long ago. And I will free Teshiria just like I had promised all those years ago!"

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