Hospital part 2

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Addison felt slightly bad for Bryce but then she thought again he probably did something stupid to end up like this. She drove over to the sway house and parked her white Jeep in front, she sighed and walked up to the door. She hesitated at first and walked in the door. Griffin had heard someone come in and he made his way over to the door, he saw Addison standing there awkwardly.
Griffin- hey Addison thanks for coming, Bryce is upstairs sleeping
Addison- ok um how did Bryce tear his acl?
Griffin- you know being a dumbass he jumped off the stairs and landed weird
Addison- oh okay I'll just go up there and wait for him to wake up
Griffin- ok sounds good
Addison walked halfway up the stairs and turned around
Addison- oh and why did u call me, your an nurse you could of taken care of Bryce by yourself fine
Griffin-oh I could of ,but there would be no fun in that
Addison scoffed and waked the rest of the to Bryces room she softly opened the door to see a tired looking Bryce sleeping she sat on the edge of his bed and played with his hair. Bryce stirred slightly and sat up.
Bryce- Addison what are you doing here ?
Addison- griffin called me, I think he was playing matchmaker
Bryce chucked and winced in pain
Addison- oh shit do you want any pain meds
Bryce modded and Addison ran downstairs to grab a glass of water and two pain pills She ran back up and handed them to Bryce he took them and started taking again
Bryce - Addison I'm sorry for how i acted in January i was a dick and I regret everything I did to you please forgive me
Addison took a second to respond
Addison- it's ok I was so busy and I just didn't have time
Bryce- lets take things slower this time
Addison agreed and snuggled close to bryce they both fell asleep in each other's arms the sway boys opened the door to them asleep together

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