Hospital part 1

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It was a normal day at the sway house and of course Bryce had to do something stupid.(it was for a bit) Jaden was recording and Josh was explaining the idea. Bryce had to jump from the upper staircase to the lower part,he knew it was dumb but he didn't care. As soon as he jumped he knew it wasn't gonna end well. He landed and heard his knee pop out of place. "Fuck"he thought in his head. Everyone else in the house heard it, cause it was so loud. Griffin was the first one to speak, "you bitch, are you dumb". Bryce was at a loss of words, he knew that his knee was not go back in place as easy. He slowly spoke out and said, " maybe we should get this checked out". All the boys agreed and helped Bryce up to the car. Bryce,griffin and josh were all the car on the way to urgent care. As they got there josh helped Bryce in as griffin parked the car. Bryce was checked in and they waited for a doctor. Bryce has x-rays that showed his acl had been tore. The doctor announced that Bryce should stay off of it for a month and get a physical therapist before he would be able to walk,without injuring himself more. They all left,Bryce on crutches. Josh and griffin helped Bryce up to his room and he quickly fell asleep, due to pain meds. As soon as josh and griffin were out of his room griffin had a plan. " I have the most epic idea ever" he announced. Josh gave him a puzzled face, griffin continued. " ima call Addison ,that way she can take care of him instead of us and we will be giving the fans what they want, it's a win win situation. Josh smirked and agreed with griffin. Josh picked up his phone and dialed Addison's number. She picked up after three rings. "Hello"she asked because the sway boys rarely called her. Josh explained the situation and asked her to come over and comfort him. Addison was hesitant at first, but then she reluctantly agreed. (Braddison interaction next chapter)

Part 2 coming soon please vote and comment more requests

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