+: Glossary

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abanico - [n.] a wooden fan.

Binibini  - [n.] a maiden; the proper way to address a young lady; equivalent to miss.

Binibining - [adj.] referring to a maiden; usually placed before a woman's name to refer to her. e.g. Binibining Sofia - Lady Sofia

buri - [n.] a palm tree; its leaves are usually used for weaving baskets and hats.

Don - [n.] a title prefixed to a man of high social class.

Doña - [n.] the female counterpart of Don; a title prefixed to a woman of high social class.

Ginoo - [n.] the male counterpart of Binibini; a gentleman; the proper way to address a young man; equivalent to mister.

Gobernadorcillo - [n.] the governor of a municipality in Philippine Spanish Era.

hija - [n.] Spanish word meaning "daughter"; a female child.

kalesa - [n.] a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage.

kamisa - [n.] a collarless Chinese shirt.

puri - [n.] the Filipino word for pride or honor.

unica hija - [n.] Spanish phrase meaning "only daughter".

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