1 | The Bride and the Groom

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It was a lively morning in the market of San Lorenzo, a small town outside Manila.

Freshly picked fruits are being brought out of big buri baskets to display; large wooden containers full of fresh fishes are being hauled from the canoes by the dock; local sellers excite passersby of their goods; and dozens of costumers flock every newly displayed item to bargain the most affordable price.

Sofia Castilla saw this scene unfold before her as their kalesa tried to penetrate through the crowd of bustling buyers.

In contrary to their lively morning, Sofia is listless. Today is the day her mother set with the seamstress. She and her fiance, the Gobernadorcillo's son Antonio Colombo, are getting fitted for their upcoming wedding. Her mother, Elena Castilla, made sure that her unica hija will have the most beautiful wedding gown to spark envy from every other maiden in town, as if getting married to the most renowned bachelor is not enough.

When the coachman parked the kalesa in front of the seamstress' house, Doña Elena beamed at Sofia. "I am already proud of you, hija," the missus said softly as she run a thumb over her daughter's cheek.

Sofia gave her mother a tight smile before gracefully stepping down from the carriage, their coachman assisting her. Her mother and a maid, Lilia, came after her.

Doña Elena led the party to the seamstress' house. They were immediately greeted by Madame Sonia, the owner of the place. She directed them to the fitting area, where a lady just as regal and of the same age as Doña Elena is sitting on a wooden bench.

"Celina," Dona Elena called affectionately, holding out a hand towards the lady. The lady smiled kindly, standing up and reaching out to hold hands with Doña Elena.

"Elena, I am glad you came," Dona Celina said modestly.

Doña Elena shook her head. "We are sorry for making you wait. Where is Antonio?"

As if on cue, a charming young man in a fine white coat and slacks stepped out of a fitting cubicle. He smiled immediately after seeing the ladies in the room.

Sofia found this nauseating. She only met the guy once, and it was on their engagement day, but he already appeared cocky to her. Sofia thinks that he's such a ladiesman.

"Is that what he's wearing to the wedding?" Doña Elena gushed. The two mothers rushed to Antonio's side and checked the suit.

Meanwhile, Lilia, the maid, quietly stepped closer to Sofia. Nobody saw her walk out of the seamstress' house and she managed to come back without anyone noticing. She discreetly handed Sofia a note, pointing to an open window with her eyes.

Sofia followed her gaze.

Outside the window stood a Chinese merchant in a white kamisa. Sofia can't see the merchant's face clearly since it's partially covered by a buri hat, but she knows very well who it was.

She nodded and the merchant tipped their hat. After that short exchange, the merchant went about their day.

"Sofia," Doña Elena called, snapping her back to reality. She moved with grace towards the group, bowing her head slightly to give courtesy to Doña Celina and her son.

"It's time for your fitting," Doña Elena continued, slightly pushing her to the seamstress' direction.

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