Oh The Pain!! IkémenRevolution!!

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He's nice but he does have a hard time believing that you're sometimes in THAT much pain. Definitely says yes, the moment the offer is put on the table. Handles the pretty well until like level nine, that's when slightly breaks. Doesn't sob but lets a few whimpers out. You just hold his hand through it. When it comes time for you to give birth, Lancelot refuses to leave your side. For some reason, all of the past King Of Hearts have left their wives to give birth without them. Lancelot from the very start was not doing that. First one to hold the baby after their birth. He actually cut the umbilical cord and was the one to wrap the baby up in a blanket. Overall, very involved.

Like Lancelot he had a hard time believing that you were in that much pain, but he was always very caring and gentle. He was very hesitant to accept but said yes anyways. Was fine till level seven then shifted uncomfortably. Overall, he did fine. Didn't sob but a few tears did escape. However, he didn't make it to level ten because your water broke, it was the final checkup before the birth, so it makes sense. Never left your side, held your hand, wiped your forehead, etc. He walked around the room holding the baby while you rested all happy, was very proud that he didn't leave you like his father did to his mother.                                                                                                                              Edgar-
My dude, would tease you to no end. Would understand that you're in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. Actually, asked if he could do it. He was just curious. Made to level ten, but admitted it hurt like hell. Another one where normally the male leaves the female to give birth without him, however Edgar refused to leave you. Remembering how much that traumatized his mother. He didn't want you to be traumatized. Someone actually tried to drag him out, he didn't take it too well. Was the first to hold the baby, no one else but you and him were allowed to hold (him/her). He was smiling like crazy, and it only got wider when the baby opened their eyes and had his eye color. Would end up saying something like "Told you they would take after me with looks." Would receive a smack upside the head and an eyeroll from you. Don't you just love him?
My dude is already your doctor, so he knows to not dismiss the amount of pain you're in. Does it anyways because, why not? Actually, he does just fine, he somehow prepared himself but didn't expect it to be wave after wave, thought it would be constant. Overall, it wasn't very exciting. However, the birth is different. He was a nervous wreck. But he still performed well. Cuddled you and the baby afterwards. He was all smiles. Told everyone to leave him alone that day. Lancelot was fine with that... because that meant he was spared from shots another day. 
Poor boy was so confused but did what he could. Volunteered to do it. You told him, he didn't have to. However, he was curious, so he did it. He didn't regret doing it, it helped him better understand the pain you're in. However, it still took him by surprise. Poor boy was nervous while you gave birth, but still stayed by your side. When the baby arrived, Zero had to get his hand looked at because you squeezed so hard. He didn't mind it though. Was scared to hold the baby, but after you encouraged him, he did. The brightest of smiles made its way onto his face.  
He was like a combo of Zero and Lancelot. Dude is so nice to you but he's also so confused. Was so confused on what was happening when they asked him, he randomly said yes. When he snapped out of his trance, he was at level eight. Let the wincing and asking you like crazy how you deal with it begin. During the birth he's holding your hand. Ok, so like this next statement is kinda gross so, DON'T WANT TO READ THEN SKIP, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! But like he's so scared because he sees a head coming out of your vagina. Lowkey, I see him just frozen into shock because of this. IF YOU SKIPPED THEN CONTINUE READING HERE!! He is a little scared to hold the baby but does it, smiles like crazy. Is so happy with his little family. Cuddles you and the baby like crazy.   
This dude has how many siblings? Wait... *Does research real quick* FIVE?! Holy shit. Yeah, this dude compared to the others is a saint. Knows literally everything. He still does it and passes with flying colors. Winces a few times but other than that he does just fine. Stays with you during the labor and delivery parts. Like I said, he knows everything. Does everything while you rest, afterwards. Has a smile on his face entire time. Not much else to say about him lol.                                                                                                         
This poor dude is so innocent and so confused. I think this is the only time where he asks his family for advice. He's very nice and sweet and makes what food you want, but he's just super confused. Like why on Earth do you want to mix frosting and dill pickles? He's super nervous but says yes, cause he a curious boy as well. Low key taken back by the cramps and the labor pains. During the birthing progress, he is even more confused and also scared for you and the baby. He holds your hand though, and helps you to the best of his abilities. While you're resting he just holds the baby and lightly sways from side to side.
This guy is going to make sure you are the best looking pregnant lady in all of Cradle. Secretly hopes for a girl so that he can dress her up, however he will love the baby all same no matter the gender. Don't try to left a finger or you will have a panicking Seth scolding you, somehow gets Sirius to scold you as well. Says yes to doing it only because he is kinda of clueless on how bad the pain is for you. He holds you hand and allows you to squeeze while giving birth. He actually cries when he holds the tiny baby. Cuddles with you and the baby. No matter the gender Seth has vowed that his baby will be the cutest baby in all of Cradle.
This dude is super excited, like it's crazy. Loves to go baby shopping with you. Asked Oliver to make a mini toy gun for the kid. Oliver was not happy, because Fenrir kept asking him if his kid would like it because Oliver's a kid lol. Does the test because he wants to understand the process more. Is also taken back by the amount of pain. Doesn't leave your side during the birth. Takes care of the baby while you rest. He can't wait to play with the kid.
Besides Sirius he is the only one that seems to fully understand the pain you deal with and doesn't tease you about it. Is low key worried to go to work, because what if your getting some (Favorite Dessert) and you somehow get hurt? It took Oliver, you, and Kyle to get him to go to work. Mousse had to make sure he stayed at work. He said he would do it. He handled it pretty well overall. A few winces but nothing else. Stays by your side, the whole time. The kid has his hair color and Blanc could not be prouder. He's already planning on different events he could bring his kid too, while you and the baby are resting.

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