Oh The Pain!! IkémenVampire!!

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He was always nice to you... in his own special way. But it would come off as rude sometimes. So, when the nurse gave him the offer to do it. His curiosity got the best of him. He was fine up until level six, that's when things went downhill. He didn't cry, he just curled into your side. When you were giving birth, he was so worried. Like almost pacing the entire hospital type worry. Because he knew the pain you were going through. But afterwards he was softly humming a sweet song for your baby. Telling (him/her) that their mother and him are so glad that they safely made it.

This boy... is just the definition of worry wort. Won't let you do anything. However, like Mozart he's very curious. So, he does it. Even after you said "You're going to regret it. Don't do it." He doesn't listen. Those scenes where someone is frozen in shock... that's him. He's just sitting there, frozen. Not from shock but pain. He doesn't cry, he holds the tears in until you're home. That's when the waterfall starts. When you give birth, I'm not gonna lie... he's the type to pass out. And he does. When he comes to, he sees that you and the baby are just fine. He thanks the gods that you both are ok.

Humble and nice. That's it. He loves to paint you. Spoils you rotten. He stills does the simulation. I'm not gonna lie he was fine until like level seven. That's when he broke. It wasn't the pain itself; it was imagining you in pain. That's what got him. You just held him, you said to stop it, but he said he wanted to finish it. Because you couldn't just stop it. So, he does finish it. Even the nurses and doctors feel bad for him. When the baby is born. He paints a small picture of you holding the baby and resting. Overall, very sweet angel boy like always.

Man's the opposite of Vincent y'all! He still helps you and cares for you but the teasing... never stops. So, it wasn't him that said, "I'll do it", it you who said, "He's going to do it". Lowkey he's nervous. Dude makes it to level eight and quits.  Says that you were right, and he was wrong, the pain is like hell in a hand basket. When the baby arrives, he honestly feels bad that you had to suffer through so much pain. However, you tell him that you're fine and just need to rest. Baby ends up looking him, you make the comment "I carried (him/her) for nine months and they look like you". He laughs, saying that he's gonna be the favorite parent.

Is like Vincent very humble and nice but teases you like Theo. Loves to sleep in with you. He does it willingly. He regrets it like two seconds later when the cramps start. Shifts uncomfortably in his seat until a sudden wave of pain hits him, then he punches the armchair. Makes it to level ten but at what cost? The armchair fought bravely but didn't make it. RIP armchair. When the baby is born, he is all smiles, because you and baby are ok, and baby is super cute. Pokes the babies' cheeks (on the face) saying "How are they this chunky?" Good luck trying to get him to stop.

Chill. That and teasing the life out of you. Another guy where you make him do it. Laughs until level six then he flinches. Handles it like a champ, with a few flinches. Even if he's a vampire he doesn't do good with female reproductive pain... who knew. When the baby arrives, he's holding them letting you rest. Tells them that they put you through so much pain, but glad that they safely made it.

Another humble but teasing one. Spoils you rotten. Does it willingly. Handles it like a champ, doesn't flinch. However, when you guys are home admits that he wanted to cry because you have to go through it. When the baby arrives, he cuddles with you and the baby. He's the type to bring his own blanket to wrap the baby in. Nurses are impressed that he's so in tune with you, like he never misses a beat and helps all the time.

I don't know much about him so bear with me lol. Is nice to you and spoils you but slightly teases you, not too much but every now and then. He does it willingly out of curiosity. Handles it like a champ. Afterwards he's very concerned for you because of the amount of pain you're going to be put through. Right by your side during and after birth. Takes care of the baby while you're resting. Still teases you every so often.

The teasing never stops. Is sweet but teases to no end. Has to be forced to do it. Stubborn butt doesn't want to. Does it because you give him puppy eyes. Pretends to be completely fine but really isn't. You can tell. He refuses to admit that it hurt. When the baby is born, won't let you lift a finger. Claims that you're not strong enough because birth took all your strength. Does this even after you and the baby go home.

This boy is somewhere in the middle. He teases you but it's light teases and he's very sweet. Is pretty chill. Does it because why not? Admits it hurts and asks questions on how the pain could be lessened. During the birth, he is mentally freaking out because, why is birthing like this?! When the baby is born, he helps tend to you and the baby. Gives you kisses on the head, telling you that you did a good job.

I feel as though he would try to hide his concern with a smile. Does the simulator because again why not? Talks to you throughout it. Again, admits it hurts but that he's fine. Asks questions on how to help you deal with it. During the birth he is a little confused but overall, very comforting. Holds the baby while walking around the room while you rest. Plans to make up a play about you and the baby, not a tragedy but a nice happy one.

Poor boy is confused. Isn't the best but he's trying. Does it to see what you're having to deal with. Poor guy is taken way off guard. He tries to not let it show that he's in pain, but let's be real here... he's wanting to scream and curse, along with wanting to break the machine. When you guys got home, he questioned you on every little pain and would not let you do anything, he also feels like it's his fault that you're going to be in that much pain. During the birth he is just as confused if not more. Is scared to hold the baby because he doesn't want to hurt them. You convince him to hold them. The gentlest of smiles grace his face.

Since he's from your time, I feel like he might know some modern ways to help with the pain already. He knows that you're going to be an unreal amount of pain, but he still does it. Keeps a straight face for most of it, but he loses his focus and starts cringing in pain. Overall, for a human he handles it pretty well, but he's never doing it again... even if you two have more kids. During the birth he is right beside you, holding your hand. You almost break his hand, let's be real here. Afterwards he is just all smiles. Takes a nap with you both.

Since he used to be a doctor, he knows the risk and had a pretty good idea of how much you're going to deal with. But he will still do it for you. Is not really fazed by the cramps since he mentally prepared for a load of comfortableness before the real pain. However, the sudden waves of pain do take him off guard. Honestly, he is just talking to you through it while clutching his lower stomach and taking deep breaths. He honestly would look like those guys who do the breathing exercises with their pregnant wife. You can't convince me otherwise. During the birth he is actually helping where he can. He's also telling you how great you're doing and encouraging you. Holds your baby afterwards to let you rest. Imma just put that I think his child would be one of the late at night or early morning surprises. I mean it's his kid. Dazai-
Is very curious to being with. He would be the type to constantly ask questions, no joke. He actually asked if he could do it, he was again very curious (Curiosity killed the cat). He was ok until level nine, then he was clutching his stomach, almost cursing in Japanese. After they took him off the machine, he said that now he was going to make sure that you don't lift a finger. During the birth he would say things like, "I know it sucks but one more push!" Definitely would tell the baby stories while you rested. His favorite to tell? It's about a woman who went through a door and met the love of her life.

A/N: I'm so sorry it's late you guys!! Please forgive me!! So much has been happening in my life. I have to start thinking about college and all that "fun" stuff (Cries), I wish I could go back to being a kid. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote on it! Any requests please let me know (I will be slow posting them (Sorry!)). Have a great day/ night! Love y'all, bye!

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