4: Diomedes

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A/N: Pronunciations:










"I'm Diomedes."  Recollection flash across her face after I told her my name.

"So you've heard of me."   I crouched down in front of her; I ignoring her flinch when I fingered a lock of her hair. The strands looked to be clean— a good indicator that she was of well birth.


"Do you fear me?" I taunted.  

"Shouldn't I?"  

"Maybe." I answered honestly. "That depends entirely on you." I pinned her with my gaze. I could tell that she caught onto my unspoken threat because her hands shook before she forced them to stop by white-knuckling the ripped fabric of her dress.  

"Tell me your name."

I wrapped the curl I held around my fist and tugged in warning when she didn't answer. She swallowed nervously, drawing my gaze to her slim throat as it bobbed.

It was a beautiful act—one that I look forward to feeling with my hands wrapped around the delicate skin while I fed her my cock.  

"Amara," she replied quietly. "My name is Amara." 

"Amara." The name rolled off my tongue like honey. "What frightens you most, Amara?" 

Her expression cracked and I watched, transfixed at how it just seemed to amplify her beauty.

"I am afraid of this night, and what horrors awaits me. Of you taking pleasure in my body the way a husband would take in his wife."

I didn't bother consoling her because her fear was warranted. I had every intention of claiming her tonight. But her honesty surprised me.  

"What have you heard of me?" I asked the question out of pure curiosity. It wouldn't matter what she heard; it wouldn't change anything for her.  

"That you were lethal and dangerous on the battlefield. With skill unmatched except for but one, Achilles."

 She hesitated.

 "They said that you did the impossible and fatally wounded both the God Ares and the Goddess Aphrodite...that you drove them from the battlefield." 

It seemed my little Amara had heard quite a bit about me after all. I savored the fact that I caused fear within the Trojans. 

"Wounding the Olympians was one of my finer moments in battle. Do my victories excite you, Amara?"  

"I find no excitement in the slaughtering of men."  

"Those men lay down their life for your city. If it does not excite you, should it not at the very least earn your respect?"  

Her eyes flashed angrily. "You have no right to lecture me about respect. Not when your intentions are to take me against my will." 

"You're my captive." I crowded into her space, enjoying the way she tensed. "I'm free to do what I wish with you; Respectful, or not.  You will do well to remember that." 

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