Part 4: To Stay Or Go

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I rush to my feet and end up face planting do to my lack of strength I have not been able to feel till now. I feel crushed. Everything has been moving so fast lately and there are so many unanswered questions. Before I could even ask for it a couple of medical workers rushed in and helped me back in bed. Once I was settled back in, they asked if they could run one more round of blood work just to make sure everything was ok one last time. As much as I hated needles, I allowed them to do so. They drew the blood quickly before I could change my mind, removed the IV, provided me with a change of clothes, and left. When I finally felt ready to start slowly moving around I was surprised to notice that the new clothes provided for me had no Rebelion emblems on them anywhere to be seen. The clothes were also shockingly cozy and easy to move in. They were honestly something I would have picked out for myself. (picture your favorite comfy/lazy day outfit) I went to the bathroom and my reflection in the mirror startled me for only a moment. As I took in my reflection, I used the supplies in front of me to fix my hair from the rats nest state it was currently in. I didn't really notice anything different about myself that was too out of the ordinary but I still felt different. I could not tell if it was a good or bad difference yet. I guess only time would be able to tell for certain. After leaving the restroom I began pacing the small medical room for a while as I thought over my choices.

'You should stay' a small voice in my head suggested. I jumped slightly at it's presence. I don't ever recall having a conscience before. This voice in my head honestly kinda creeped me out. 'Why would my own thoughts have a male voice anyway? It is just super weird.' I thought to myself as I went back to my pacing. I eventually decided to agree with this strange voice in my head and stay for now. It is not like there was anything to go back to anymore anyway. Just if I do stay I want it to be on my terms. I want to be able to record the history form both sides. I know I could never be a perfectly unbiased historian but I wanted to try my best to be. Maybe if both sides could see each other's points of view more clearly we could finally have an end to this war.

Now the only thing I wished in the silence of the room was for my memories to return. I did not like the feeling of not remembering. It felt almost as if it was important. If only I knew what was missing I would know for sure.

Leia POV:

My jaw nearly hit the floor in awe of y/n's midi-chlorian count. I had only seen numbers this high in my son and Rey. 'What am I going to do?'  The question contunly bouncing arround my mind. I have already taken a great risk by sending Rey to Luke. Force only knows how that is going to work. 

Author's Note:

Man, it feels so good to be back. It feels like I have been gone forever. Long story short for those of you who don't know I took a mental health break. When I was ready to return however, my family that lives nearby needed my love and support as they were going through a rough patch. I especially needed to be there for my youngest sister who is eight years old right now. Then we had family come into town unexpectantly. So I am so sorry for the lack of updates but family always comes first.

Sorry for the short chapter today. I am trying to do a brief update on all my currently active stories before Sunday when the upload schedule starts all over again. (Please Read The Next Part For The Upload Schedule)

Again thank you all for being understanding and the support you all have shown for these stories. The next update is coming soon so please make sure to stay tuned.

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